Five Signs That Angels Are Communicating With You
I'm so excited to dive into this topic today! I'm going to be sharing five signs that the angels are communicating with you.
First Sign: Feeling Sensations
The first sign is that you are experiencing some sort of feeling or sensation. Maybe you it's tingles or vibrations, you're hot or you're cold, you're getting chills, whatever the feeling is, you're having this bodily sensation experience that is happening. That is the first sign that angels are communicating with you.
Second Sign: Ringing in Ears
The second sign angels are communicating with you is that you are hearing a ringing in your ears. Now there are multiple reasons as to why you might experience ringing in your ears. One of them is that perhaps your channels are becoming activated or being cleared out and also it could be happening as confirmation. For example, if you are having a thought about making a decision or doing something then you might have ringing in your ears as a form of confirmation.
The other reason is the presence of the angels, knowing that they're there. I feel it ringing in my ears. There is a presence that is here, a divine energy, oftentimes Archangel Gabriel, but not always. It's important for you to know that when you experience the ear ringing, that most likely you are having a connection, a divine connection that's coming through and/or your channels might be clearing out. So that is sign number two.
Third Sign: Seeing Visions In Your Third Eye
The third sign that the angels are communicating with you is that you see visions in your third eye. The way that visions come through - how it happens for me - when I am in a client session and I'm receiving messages, and angels are coming through and speaking, I will start to see an image. These days I don't have to close my eyes in order to receive or to see an image, but I used to. I used to have to close my eyes and focus in and I would start to see an image.
Regardless of whether you close your eyes and that makes it easier for you to receive a vision or just as you are going about your day or talking to someone and you start to see a vision, maybe you start to see them doing something or you start to see a book or some other object, there's a symbol that comes through an imagery that comes through, it's important for you to take note of that. It's not a coincidence. It's not random or weird. There is a reason as to why you are having that vision, even if it's maybe as simple as seeing a specific color, like an aura energy that you see coming through.
The way that you're going to get familiar with what those visions actually mean is by practicing and by deepening your channeling abilities and your channeling connection. Visions are one of the signs that angels are communicating with you.
Fourth Sign: Feeling a Presence Over Your Shoulder
The fourth sign that angels are communicating is that you'll feel as though there is a presence over your shoulder. That's how I often know that the angels have a message they want to share. It happens on my right side. This is where I often feel their energy coming through. It's also when I'm channeling. That's something that you want to pay attention to in general with your claire-senses and with your communication with the angels.
Where do you feel it coming in from? Some people feel it on their left side, some people feel it in front, behind, etc. For me, it's usually behind me on my right side. Anytime that there has been a specific message that's needed to come through or something that I need to know, I would feel a presence and I would often also feel specifically which Archangel it is that's coming through.
I remember one time I felt the presence of Archangel Gabriel and I was just like, okay, but I'm busy right now. Can we do this later? But I felt this presence and I knew that I had to sit down and at that time I was very into channel writing. I would make time in my day to sit and channel write then receive the message that I needed to receive.
The angelic presence feeling behind your shoulder or in any other space within the vicinity of your body. If you feel a presence, it's because there's a message for you. Then it's important for you to take time to either meditate or channel write or discover whatever it is you need to do to fully receive that message.
Fifth Sign: Hearing a Voice
The fifth and final sign that the angels are communicating with you is that you hear a voice. You might hear a voice that says, “no, don't do that,” or “choose this one instead or this way.”
When it comes to hearing your inner voice, there is a difference between hearing that voice that's coming from your higher self versus hearing a voice that is from the angels. The way that you're going to be able to discern between the two is through practice, through deepening your connection.
I have a workshop that I'll share that can help you with that, but really it is going to be a matter of time and getting to know what the voice sounds like. It is important to know if it's from your internal being or from the angels - regardless of which angelic being it is.
Personally for me it often feels like it's coming. It doesn't necessarily feel like it's a voice outside of me. I can feel it internally, but I can distinguish the different voices. I can feel when it's an Archangel voice versus when it's my divine being voice.
That's an important practice for you to be able to develop and get more familiar with, and to then be able to trust yourself when you hear an internal voice that's saying, “this is the direction, or this is you need to do,” and to discern not just between your higher self and the angels, but also from your ego. Because your ego will try to direct you too. It's like, “you're listening to a voice? Listen to my voice!”
Those are all important things for you to know. But hearing a voice, and oftentimes this is how I see it for people, they will start to receive that guidance and think that it's just them making things up. But actually, it's the divine coming through and letting them know that this is a way, this is a skill that you have to be able to hear and to know that this is the guidance that's coming through for you. So that is the fifth sign that you are receiving communications from the angels.
New Workshop: Developing the Clairs
I have a workshop that can support you with all of these and it is called Developing the Clairs. In this workshop, I help you to understand each of the clairs; Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Claircognizance, Clairaudience, etc.
I help you to not only understand what they are, and how to develop them, but I also give you practices to strengthen them and to get more familiar with them to help you to develop these skills and feel more confident in your ability to connect with the angels through your clairs.
Additionally, in this workshop, I am also teaching you how to develop your intuition using Oracle Card decks, helping you to overcome any blocks that might show up, and also supporting you with bringing it all together to help you to actually use your clair-senses on a practical level. Understanding how to discern between your intuition versus your ego, and things like that to help you with continuing, moving forward, developing and deepening your spiritual connection.
If you're interested in joining me for Developing the clairs, you can find all of the details here!
Share in the comments…
Other than that, I would love to hear from you in the comments. Let me know which of these signs you have experienced before, which ones commonly come up for you, or which of the ways you are most curious to see if you can develop in that way to be able to deepen your connection to the angels.
Let me know in the comments below. Otherwise, if you enjoyed this video, then please share this with your friends, family and community.
I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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