Archangel Metatron and Sacred Geometry
In this post we are going to be learning about Archangel Metatron, his connection to Sacred Geometry and how you can utilize this connection to support you on your spiritual path.
Archangel Metatron has a really special energy and I often see him in green and purple.
Archangel Metatron: The Merkaba and Sacred Geometry
The Merkaba is the shape that is often associated with Archangel Metatron. One of the signs that you're going to know that Archangel Metatron is around you is you're going to see the Merkaba and you might see other sacred geometry symbols. There's so many different sacred geometrical shapes that exist. But anything that catches your eye that has that geometry behind it, is going to be a sign that Archangel Metatron is poking at you and is like, “Hey, I have something to share. Hey, we've got to do some work together.”
Transformation and Transmutation
The other thing that Archangel Metatron is strongly associated with is transformation. He's associated with transmutation with shifting energy with supporting you with letting go and releasing old beliefs. He supports you with shedding a layer and helping you to emerge into the truth of who you are.
One of the other signs that Archangel Metatron is around you is that you're going to keep hearing or feeling or just experiencing a sense of transformation. Whether you keep seeing the word transformation, someone keeps telling you about transformation, maybe you'll even hear transmutation. They all mean the same thing, but that energy of transformation is going to make itself known to you in some way. And when it catches your attention or when you feel that energy of transformation coming through very strongly, that is another sign that Archangel Metatron is with you.
Angel Number 555
Lastly, another sign is the angel number 555. So the number five, again, that is him. He is there to support you Archangel Metatron comes through with the angel number 555. If you keep seeing fives, that's another sign that Archangel Metatron is guiding you. He's supporting you. He is with you. There's work for you to do with him.
As you can probably already tell, the theme of Archangel Metatron is transformation. It's supporting you with shifting energy, with moving out of a fear base or lower frequency into a higher frequency, into a different space, an elevated perspective, elevated awareness. That is the shift that you experience when you work with Archangel Metatron.
The Merkaba: A Direct Link to the Highest Frequency that Exists
A question came through from a member of my free community space, the Divine Pathfinders. She asked to elaborate when it comes to Archangel Metatron and the gateway to higher realms of divinity that he holds for us. In sitting with that question and that energy, the thing that came through is the connection to the Merkaba.
Now, if you look up Merkaba and the origin of that word, which originates from Hebrew, it means light spirit body. So it's broken down like mer -kabah, light - spirit body.
The other thing that came through as I was digging into the origin of the word merkaba and what it represents and how it's connected to sacred geometry.
We have to understand sacred geometry itself. What is it? What is it about sacred geometry that makes it special? Each specific shape and specific geometry hold a frequency, which means it holds a certain vibration.
For example, the merkaba holds a certain frequency, a certain vibration. So whatever geometrical shape that you are working with holds a certain frequency, a certain vibration. And so when we start to understand that everything has a frequency, everything has a vibration, we start to see that when we connect with certain energies, they will help us raise our own frequency and our own vibration.
When it comes to working with Archangel Metatron and specifically the Merkaba, because that's the shape that he is associated with most strongly, it is almost like bringing through a portal or a direct link to the highest frequency and highest vibration that exists, which is the energy of God, the energy of the divine, the energy of source, whatever you want to call it, but it's that energy that it connects us directly, it's almost like a link directly to that divine being.
When you think about that divine being, and when you think about your connection to this greater divine energy, why would we connect with God? Why do we connect with the divine? Because it brings us closer to the truth of who we are. It brings us back into the remembrance that we are love, that we are light, that we are of the divine, that we belong to the divine, and that we belong in this world, that we were chosen for a specific purpose, for a specific reason. And when we utilize that connection, to course correct us, to guide us, to help us to transmute our experiences where we might be in our ego or in our fear or whatever it is into the highest possible vibration and into an experience of love and into an experience of peace. That is then how it all comes together full circle.
Connecting to Our Divine Purpose
Working with Archangel Metatron, and working with the Merkaba connects us directly to the light and love of the divine, which helps us to transmute whatever experience we're going through - whether it's fear, limiting beliefs, or even the ego popping out and rearing its head, whatever it is - and transmuting that into a higher frequency that allows us to gain a different perspective and awareness of the situation.
To then move forward according to our highest self, aligned with our divine purpose, rather than what typically happens, which is our human takes over, it gets in control, it's like, “forget this, we don't know what the divine is doing, I'll just take control here, and I'll figure it out, and do the thing, and I'm going to push, and bulldoze my way through in order to make something happen.”
Versus the energy of surrender, the energy of peace, the energy of trust, the energy of faith we can hold that brings us into the next level.
We're meant to be going at a much faster rate, it's just that we can't see it. We don't know it because we have to have faith and we have to know there exists a higher perspective. That's how it all links and works together.
That's what I really feel is the gateway to higher realms of divinity that he holds for us, he is the mediator, the one who helps us to transform that energy using the light and love of God to bring us closer to our true essence. Remembering that our true essence is love. Our true essence is divine light. And it's just that we don't see it sometimes because our ego gets in the way and that's okay. That's why we have these tools and these resources and these beautiful divine beings who are here to support us.
Connecting with The Merkaba Energy
There's so many different ways that you can work with Archangel Metatron and the merkaba, but one of which is that you can simply meditate with it. If you have a crystal that's in the shape of a Merkabah, or if you have the Archangel Oracle card deck, take the Archangel Metatron card out, place it in front of you like a crystal and meditate with it. Place it on your heart and meditate with it. Look at it, feel it, be with it. This is one of the reasons why these Archangel Oracle cards are so powerful is because all of them have sacred geometry and energy activated art within them. We can utilize each card in a similar way that we might use crystals to support us in connecting with energy. So that's something that you can also do if you have this card deck.
If you don't have the Archangel Oracle Card deck, you can order it here. That's one of the ways you can meditate with that energy.
Lastly, even if you don't have it physically anywhere around you, you can connect with it in meditation. You simply call on Archangel Metatron, ask him to step forward, ask him to surround you in a Merkaba grid.
This might look different for each person. For some people, you might feel like your whole body is surrounded now or is placed within a Merkaba energy. For others, you might feel it kind of smaller, like it's placed at your crown chakra or at your root chakra or which ever chakra needs it. It's going to be your own personal experience, but you'll feel Archangel Metatron coming in and bringing that to you in some way and you can work with it energetically.
Those are the different ways that you can be supported to connect with their Merkabah and to utilize that support from Archangel Metatron to guide you and help you.
Divine Love & Redirecting Your Path
The way that you're going to work with it is that you're going to use it to connect directly to the light of God connected to the light of the divine and ask for clarity, ask to be supported and move through your ego.
I can't even tell you how many times I've done this practice now that it's helped so much and it just moves everything out of the way, where I am connecting with the divine - with God. And I'm like, “I need help understanding this because right now I don't get it. I don't understand what's happening. What are we doing? Why is this happening this way? Why am I having this perspective? I recognize that this is my ego thinking this way, but I don't know how to shift out of this. Can you please help me shift out of this? Help me to understand why I'm doing this.”
Sometimes the why isn't even important. It's more of the shift and the stream of consciousness that flows through. The stream of consciousness guides the redirection of your path. This is the beauty of this work, when we invite in the love of the divine to come in and to support us and to guide us, it comes in and it will guide you into a higher frequency, into a higher perspective around whatever situation.
Your Purpose & Being In Service
The other way in which you can utilize this connection with Archangel Metatron and the Merkaba is to support you and guide you on your path of service, the path of understanding why you're here, your greater purpose, your greater divine mission, your soul's gifts. It's important to understand that in our experience of knowing who we are and being expressions of light and love, there is a greater purpose in terms of service that we are here to deliver and that we are here to experience.
So again, if you're feeling stuck on your path or feeling like you're not clear, who are you? Why am I here? What's the reason? Then working with the Merkabah energy and working with Archangel Metatron can support you as that portal, a direct connection to the divine that will help shift your perspective, shift your energy, transmute whatever is keeping you stuck and helping you to see where the path of service is for you and where you're meant to go from here.
These are all the different ways that you can work with Archangel Metatron, with the Merkaba, and it's all so powerful. It's all so beautiful. It's all so connected. And I just love it, and I am so excited to be able to share this with you today because I feel like Archangel Metatron has been coming forward a lot lately in my collective readings. For me personally, it feels like his energy is very present, so I'm really excited to dedicate this whole blog to him and for you to be able to experience his presence and his energy on a deeper level.
Share in the comments…
I want to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know if you've worked with Archangel Metatron in this way before, if you knew the things that I shared about the Merkaba. What other questions do you have about the Merkaba? Let me know.
And of course, if you enjoyed this video, share this with your friends, your family, your community, people you know who need to hear this message and work with Archangel Metatron.
I can't wait to hear from you in the comments. I'm sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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