Archangel Uriel - 3 Ways to Feel His Presence
In this post you are going to learn about Archangel Uriel and three ways to feel his presence.
About Archangel Uriel
If you do not know, he is such a beautiful divine angel that supports us with connecting to our higher self, connecting to the divine and he supports us in feeling empowered within ourselves empowered in who we are.
Archangel Uriel comes through in a vibrant yellow energy, it's incredible and so beautiful! This color supports us in feeling our power and knowing that we are strong in our true selves.
First Way to Feel the Presence of Archangel Uriel: Your Solar Plexus Chakra
Your solar plexus chakra in your abdominal area is also yellow, and is connected to your intuition which is also known as your higher self. It's connected to your confidence, your sense of power and empowerment in who you are. It is the fire in your belly that brings through the motivation and the inspiration and that supports you in being loud.
Being loud in the sense that you are showing up fully as yourself, not afraid to be seen and not afraid to be heard! Just fully showing up in your personal energy and not shrinking. That is what Archangel Uriel helps us to do. He helps us to show up fully.
One of the things that I remember so clearly, that back when I was working in the corporate sector, I was chosen to do a presentation in front of about 200 people. It was in the field of science and toxicology, nothing at all related to spirituality. At that time, I was already on the path of developing my spiritual connection, developing my truth and developing who I am. I was already calling on the Archangels and asking them to support me. I was already pursuing this calling. So it must have been around 2017.
I remember so clearly calling on Archangel Uriel to support me as I stood on stage and was speaking to these 200 people. I'd never spoken to that many people before, in a presenter kind of way, and it was scary and it was also very empowering. I remember standing up and I'm speaking, and I know what I'm talking about so I felt confident. Afterwards I had so many people who came to me and were like, “oh my gosh, that was amazing! That was so great!” That was probably the first time that I had called on Archangel Uriel in that specific way to support me in my speaking. Since then, there have been many other experiences with Archangel Uriel specifically. But that was the first memory that came up.
If you're in a place where you want to show up feeling confident, maybe you also need to do a presentation and speak in front of people. Or maybe you want to feel more empowered in your true self. Calling on Archangel Uriel is going to support you.
Especially working with your solar plexus chakra, meaning that you're either tapping on your solar plexus chakra, you're placing your hands there to feel connected and supported in that area. You're calling on Archangel Uriel to bring through an activation into your solar plexus chakra, which is going to help to bring through a deeper connection with your higher self, a connection to your power, to your confidence. I see it as a flame that begins to be ignited and that rises up into your heart space to help bring through that energy for you to be able to show up in the way that you desire to show up.
Second Way to Feel the Presence of Archangel Uriel: Playing In The Sun
To me, the sun is a representation of the solar plexus chakra. It's even in the name solar plexus! When you think about going out in the sun and being in that sunlight, think of what happens. Sunlight bathes you in that warmth, in that glow, in that light. As you are connecting with the sun, it also helps you to align and feel the presence of your divine being.
Again, Archangel Uriel supports us with our higher self, the connection to our higher self, to who we are and to our power. There's something about the sun's energy that helps us to feel this divine love, this everlasting present divine love. Some people associate the sun with creator's energy or God or the divine or however you want to think of it. And so if that's the case for you, then do it that way.
The point is that as we connect with the sun's energy, we are energizing our own self. We are bringing back vitality into our body. We are bringing through our spiritual energy and that is all going to support us with being able to show up in our confidence and in our power and in our true selves. And in that process, you're also going to feel Archangel Uriel. He supports us with that and you're going to feel his presence as you do that exercise.
Third Way to Feel the Presence of Archangel Uriel: Yellow Crystals
The last way that you can feel Archangel Uriel's presence is through crystals. Any yellow crystal that you feel called to work with, to connect with, but as you can already see, like even just looking at the yellow, it immediately activates your solar plexus. You can call on a Archangel Uriel and ask him to support you and to bring through whatever it is that you need through the crystal as you wear it, as you hold it, as you have it next to you on your desk, whatever it is that you need.
Crystals can be a great way to elevate our frequency and help us to be more aware or feel more connected to the Archangels. Yellow crystals are a direct connection to Archangel Uriel and everything that he supports us with.
Share in the comments…
I would love to hear from you in the comments below. How do you love to connect to Archangel Uriel? And which of these three ways are you going to use next time? Maybe today? Let me know how it goes. I would love to hear from you in the comments below.
I invite you to share this blog with a friend who maybe needs to connect with Archangel Uriel, if you feel that this specific conversation around confidence and empowerment and connecting to a higher self is going to support them.
As always, I'm sending you so much love and angel blessings and I will see you next time.
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