Archangel Raguel - 3 Ways to Deepen Your Connection with Him
In this post you are going to learn three ways that you can deepen your connection to Archangel Raguel.
About Archangel Raguel
The main thing to understand about Archangel Raguel is that he is amazing to call upon, especially when we are feeling anxious, uncertain, a little agitated and unsure of what to do next. He helps to bring us focus and calmness and presence back into our true self.
Archangel Raguel also supports us in our connection with the divine. This means that he helps us remember that we belong. A lot of the times when we are feeling anxious or uncertain about something, we are often triggered. We have a very deep wound that is triggered - usually it is the abandonment wound - that is bringing those feelings forward. So in order to support you with that anxiety, uncertainty, and/or fear, Archangel Raguel brings you back into your center and says:
“Hey, I've got something for you. You belong, you belong with the divine, you belong in the presence of love, you belong in the presence of the universe of your true self and knowing that you are a part of that. You were never abandoned, you were never left alone, you were always here. You are always surrounded by this divine love and this divine love will continue to guide you, continue to support you, continue to elevate you. It's important to come back to that.”
I highly recommend that you connect with him and call on him if you are feeling that or just simply wanting to have this deeper connection with that divine universal energy of love. Archangel Raguel is amazing to support us with that.
Uncovering Hidden Mysteries with Archangel Raguel
With Archangel Raguel's support, you also get to tap into a beautiful mystery that is who you are, the mystery of your true self, the mystery of the sacred energy that you hold. Being on the spiritual path, I'm sure that you can relate to the fact that this is a never ending journey. It's a continuous journey of discovery, connection, truth, healing and alignment. Archangel Raguel helps you to feel that limitlessness that exists within you, and also to bring through these different parts of you that maybe you have forgotten, or that maybe just weren't ready to come forward to come into the light and be a part of your experience.
I'm talking about the parts of you that are connected to your spiritual gifts, the parts of you that are connected to this higher truth, to your abilities, to your spiritual connection, and to bring that forward into the light so that you can begin to walk that path and understand the alignment and the connection to your truth, and to who you are.
Now, let's talk about deepening your connection with him. And especially if you are in a moment where you're feeling anxious, uncertain, and you feel the need to have him with you twenty-four seven. How do you do that? I'm going to share with you the ways to deepen your connection with Archangel Raguel.
First Way To Deepen Your Connection to Archangel Raguel: The Color Purple
The first thing is connecting with the purple energy. Archangel Raguel has this beautiful dark purple energy. And so anything that you have that is dark purple, that will support you to feel the presence of his energy. Whether you have a purple shirt or maybe you get purple flowers or anything else that has that deep purple, the deep purple is a direct link to Archangel Raguel. He connects with us and speaks to us in many different forms. One of the ways is through this visual, like activating the energy visually when you connect with the color.
Connecting with his color is going to be a really powerful way to remind you of his presence, remind you that you belong, remind you that you are supported and that you are connected. So find something purple and wear it or have it around you and know that Archangel Raguel is supporting you.
Second Way To Deepen Your Connection to Archangel Raguel: Amethyst Crystals
The second way that you can deepen your connection with him is through the amethyst crystal, which is also purple. Amethyst crystals help you to connect to a higher awareness. It's this higher level of awareness, perspective, thinking, and understanding that the path that you're walking is leading you into the next level of who you're meant to be. This is really connected to the hidden mysteries that I talked about earlier that Archangel Raguel helps us to discover about ourselves, who we are, our truth, and our connection.
Working with amethyst is not only going to help open up your crown chakra and help open up that influx of sacred spiritual information, but also deepen your connection to Archangel Raguel through the process.
Third Way To Deepen Your Connection to Archangel Raguel: Meditating With The Stars and The Moon
The last way to deepen your connection with Archangel Raguel is to meditate with the stars and the moon - having that image of the starry sky. Whether you physically go outside on a beautiful clear night where you can see the stars or you simply visualize it in your meditation, whatever works for you. The point is that you are connecting with this vast expansive energy, and understanding that there is so much around you and surrounding you. Knowing the vastness that exists loves you and is supporting you.
One way that this is represented is through the cosmos, through the stars, the moon, through that vast sky. Being able to connect in that way and feel the presence of Archangel Raguel as he is with you, as seeing that you are part of something big, you're part of and belong to a greater divine plan, will support you in knowing that you were chosen for this and that you are a piece of the bigger puzzle. It helps to bring things into perspective where you come back into your true self and to this energy of peace and love and knowing that everything is supported. Everything is unfolding. Everything is coming together for your highest good. So calling on Archangel Raguel as you do that is going to be very peaceful and also very supportive.
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I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know which of these three ways you are going to use to connect with Archangel Raguel. Or if you've done any of these, let me know how it went for you. If you have any questions about Archangel Raguel, you can definitely post them in the comments below. Share this blog post with someone you know that needs to hear this message today.
I'm sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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