Archangel Raziel - 3 Ways to Deepen Your Connection with Him
In this post you are going to learn three ways that you can deepen your connection to Archangel Raziel.
About Archangel Raziel
Archangel Raziel is amazing at supporting us with opening up and connecting to our channeling abilities, our ability to heal, our ability to connect with energy, to connect with spirit, and to receive divine messages.
First Way To Deepen Your Connection to Archangel Raziel: Your Third Eye Chakra
When it comes to your third eye chakra (the space between your eyebrows) I see it as the channel to the spiritual realms. The third eye chakra is the most common way in which we are able to receive spiritual messages, divine guidance, and a way we are able to perceive beyond the physical world. The third eye chakra is one main channel to receive and to be in exchange with ethereal information.
Working with Archangel Raziel to support your third eye chakra and to open it up as you practice tuning in is going to be a really powerful way to not just develop your relationship with Archangel Raziel, but to also develop your own skills and abilities when it comes to connecting to spirit and channeling.
Third Eye Chakra Practice with Archangel Raziel:
The way that you're going to do this is by first calling on Archangel Raziel, asking him to step forward, to connect with you, and to surround you with his presence. Then you're going to tune into your third eye chakra. You can simply close your eyes and tune into that space between your eyebrows. Sometimes what can be helpful is for you to gently tap on that particular space, or even just placing your hand or finger on that space between your eyebrows. This creates a physical point that helps you to connect and bring your focus to that area. You don't have to do that if you prefer to be hands free, you can just tune in, close your eyes, and feel yourself connecting to that part of you.
Once you are tuned in and you're feeling the energy of your third eye chakra, you're going to ask Archangel Raziel to bring through any healing, any activation, anything that you need that is for your highest good. Often when he comes in to work with our third eye chakra, I feel him as though he's placing his hand there. So you might visualize that, you might start to feel that, you might just start to feel that intention of how he's coming in and placing his hand and then bringing through energy healing to support you there.
Sometimes you might feel it more as though the energy of the third eye chakra is starting to swirl and it's starting to be activated like it's moving. Sometimes you'll feel as though there is a stream of energy that's coming into your third eye chakra. Maybe there's a stream of white light that's coming in that Archangel Raziel is bringing to you or it might be coming in from above and it lands into your third eye chakra and it fills you up.
This is one of those things where it's so important for you to trust in your intuition and to trust in what you feel, what you know, and what you are seeing and know that Archangel Raziel is working with you and supporting you with your third eye chakra.
You can also set an intention like; “Please support me in opening up to greater levels of awareness within my third eye chakra. Please support me with being able to receive information with more clarity.” You can ask for that intention and then see where you're led and what you're guided to do to support the work there. Essentially it is cleansing your third eye chakra, supporting it with energy healing, supporting it by simply being in tune with it.
The fact that you are connecting with your third eye chakra and beginning to be aware of its presence and familiarizing yourself with its space, how it feels, how it looks for you. That right there is already excellent work and excellent practice when it comes to developing those skills.
This is the first way that Archangel Raziel is supporting you and that you can deepen that connection with him.
Second Way To Deepen Your Connection to Archangel Raziel: Energetic Healing Work
Archangel Raziel helps us to connect to the spiritual realms. Which means that he supports us with being able to be in tune with energy, be able to work with it, be able to feel it, move with it, allow it to come in and to bring in whatever healing that we need.
I truly believe that every single one of us has the ability to be in tune with energy, to heal with energy, to be connected to it. And the reason why is because we are energetic beings. Everyone has the ability to be in tune in that way. It's just a matter of whether or not you're open to it or not. If you are aware of energy healing, you are curious about it, you've experienced it, you love it, maybe you do it for yourself, whatever the case may be for you, practicing energy healing is going to be supportive for you on so many different levels.
Energetic healing work deepens your connection with Archangel Raziel and you can call on him to support you with that specific part of your development. Energetic healing work also supports you by raising your vibration, elevating your frequency, and it supports you with whatever it is that you desire to step into, wherever you desire to go, whoever you desire to be, energy healing is going to benefit you.
And so there are just so many wins, like win, win, win, win, win all around when you practice doing energy healing work.
Energetic Awareness Practice with Archangel Raziel:
With Archangel Raziel, you're going to call on him, ask him to step forward, invite him into your space and ask him to surround you with his divine love and light. As he brings in that energy around you, you're going to simply practice tuning in and feeling the energy, whatever it is that he's bringing to you.
He might be bringing in a stream of green energy right now, and you may feel it coming in, wrapping itself around you. Maybe he's bringing it into your heart chakra now, or maybe he's just simply wrapping you up in it, filling up your aura with it. Energy healing doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, it's always very simple. The simplicity is the key here. We're not over complicating things, we're not over analyzing, it's very simple.
Focus on the energy stream that's coming in with Archangel Raziel, what's the color? If you see a color, if you don't, that's fine too. What is it for? You ask, what is it for? What is this supporting me with? Or you can set the intention. I'm calling in energy healing to support me with heart healing, letting go of this pain that I have or this grief or this fear that's coming up for me and feeling what that energy is doing and keeping it simple.
Practicing energy healing with Archangel Raziel is going to deepen your connection with him and it's going to deepen your ability as well.
Third Way To Deepen Your Connection to Archangel Raziel: Rainbow Energy
I often see Archangel Raziel come through with all these beautiful colors, rainbow colors, and rainbow energy. When you see a rainbow that's confirmation, that's a sign from Archangel Raziel.
Another way that you can deepen your connection with him is by calling on his presence and then asking him to surround you with his rainbow energy. If you can visualize or simply set the intention to experience his rainbow energy. Rainbow energy is so powerful because it is multi-dimensional. Rainbows hold so many different frequencies and different aspects that kind of hit us from all angles.
I see rainbow energy as kind of holistic, cleansing and clearing out all the different noises and stagnant energy and things that don't belong anymore. The rainbow energy is going to activate some things. It is going to bring healing. It is going to bring power and love and support and trust and everything. Rainbow energy is like all encompassing in my experience.
Calling on Rainbow Energy with Archangel Raziel is not only going to connect you with his actual energy and what it looks like and feels like, but it will also bring a deeper sense of wholeness to you for your healing practice and whatever it is that you need in this moment.
So that is the third way that you can connect and deepen your connection with Archangel Raziel. And when it comes to deepening your focus in terms of spirituality, your abilities and your perception of energy, Archangel Raziel is the one that you want to call on to work with and to support you.
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I want to hear from you in the comments below. How does Archangel Raziel come forward for you? What does he look like for you? Do you also see him in rainbow energy? Which of these practices are you going to go and try? If you try this practice, come back, let me know how it goes for you. I cannot wait to hear more about it.
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I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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