How Angels Respond to You
I am so excited for this conversation today because I realized that I don't often talk about how exactly angels come through when we ask for their support or guidance. I recently saw a comment asking about that and I was like, that's a good topic! So here we go.
We're going to be talking about how angels come through so that you know the angels are around you. You know that they are responding to your prayer, responding to your request for support.
How Angels Respond
Through Your Body, Mind & Emotions
Now, the first thing that I want you to think of when it comes to receiving that support from the angels is to look at it from a holistic perspective, meaning that you're looking at it from a physical and emotional lens because you're going to notice differences in your physical body. You're going to notice a difference in your mind, meaning what you're thinking or how you're looking at things or perspective and you'll also feel a difference emotionally.
One of the things that happens when we call upon angelic support, is oftentimes
people will immediately feel a sensation in their body. Your body is a really great indicator showing you that there's the angelic presence there, but more specifically it reveals how the angels are coming in to support you.
Oftentimes it is a soothing feeling that spreads through your nervous system, maybe a feeling of calmness. Sometimes it comes through as peace or it might even just feel like a sense of safety.
And in that there is a snowball effect that starts to happen where you start to feel a little bit more calm. You start to feel your nervous system relaxing a little bit. You start to feel a sense of safety.
Feeling A Sense of Strength or Courage
The other thing is you might actually start to feel a sense of strength or courage where maybe doing or saying something in that moment felt scary, but all of a sudden you feel this energy from inside of you that's just like, “okay, I am going for it!” And you just do it. You just take that leap where you do the thing.
It obviously depends on the context of your situation. It depends on why you are asking for support or what you are asking for support from the angels in terms of what you're going to experience.
I often find that the physical sensation is the first one to come in. It might not always be that, but typically that's how it comes through is first you feel the physical shift. And you'll notice that change in your nervous system, in how you're feeling a little bit more at calm, more at peace, and potentially more strength or courage depending on your situation.
A Calm Body Leads to a Calm Mind That Can Access Higher Perspectives
Now, after that, after you start to experience the physical sensation and by the way, as a side note, if this is your first time or you're just getting familiar with the angels and connecting with them and learning how to know that they're around you, tuning into your physical body is going to be a really great way, a really great practice to start that process. Aside from the physical stuff, you'll start to notice shifts in your thoughts and how you are perceiving things.
Now, this isn't always going to happen right away, that's the thing that's important to know and to trust and be patient with is that you might not always immediately feel a shift in your perspective or in your thoughts and your ideas. Sometimes it takes some time. Sometimes it takes a day. Sometimes it's about going and distracting yourself and doing something completely different. And then all of a sudden your mind will start to see things from a different perspective.
That part is one of those where we have to trust in the divine timing of our mind beginning to have different thoughts and different perspectives that come through. Essentially what happens is that as your physical body starts to relax and as your physical body starts to feel safe. That’s when your mind, instead of being in a fight or flight response - which is typically what happens when we feel unsafe, when we feel fear, when we feel panicked, when we feel stressed, anxiety, you name it - our mind switches gears and it's just like, no, we have to survive this and we have to go into fight or flight mode right now!”
When you physically feel more calm, more at peace and more at ease, then what happens is that your mind is able to relax and is then able to shift gears up into higher perspectives and higher frequencies.
This is where you'll start to see divine solutions coming in or a shift in your energy. All of a sudden you see there's another pathway instead of the two choices that had you stressed out. Actually there's a third pathway that you didn't see before. And that's the beauty and the power of working with the angels.
The Influence of Angelic Frequencies
The way that this happens is due to the influence of their energy. It's not something that you have to look for or wait to hear what the angels have to say. You are not waiting for them to tell you word for word what the solution is. It often will feel like it's coming through, through your own thoughts, through your own mind.
What you can know is that it's being influenced by that divine energy. If you think about it, what are angels? They are energy. They hold a high frequency. If you're calling upon angels to support you that means that you're calling on this higher divine frequency of love to surround you. When you're surrounded by that energy, it's going to start to influence your energy.
That's why you experience these different sensations, these different shifts in your thoughts, in your perspectives, in what you see as a solution, because that energy is influencing you.
The key is to trust. The key is to be patient. The key is to know that everything is working out for you.
The other thing that you'll start to notice is that you'll start to see things from a different perspective. You'll start to have ideas come to you and you will begin to think of other solutions that you didn't even think of before. You'll start to notice that you're seeing things from that completely different lens.
Experiencing Shifts in Attitudes and Perspectives
The other thing that might come through is - depending on the situation - if before you felt disempowered, maybe you noticed yourself going into victim mode or just feeling disempowered. Then the shift might also be that you feel empowered and you are able to see that your circumstances are not as big of a deal as you thought it was. Actually, everything is fine. It's all good. You even wonder why you were worried about this or stressed out about that? It's actually not that big of a deal. Again, context matters, but those are just some examples of how you'll notice on a mental level that you'll start to shift and start to feel different.
On an emotional level, this is where you're going to notice your feelings beginning to redirect in a way where, (again, connected to your body and your mind) you're going to start shifting. Perhaps you shift out of fear into hope, for example, or you shift out of a feeling of disempowerment or fear, but instead it changes into courage and strength. It changes into this emotional “I can do it” energy where you believe in yourself.
Emotionally, you'll start to feel a difference as well, and through that process, you will feel guidance coming through.
What Does Angelic Guidance Feel Like?
Guidance doesn't always necessarily come through in a very direct way where the angel appears in front of you and is like, “this is what you must do now.” It's not ever really like that. The way that angelic guidance is going to come through for you is where you will feel either a pull towards taking a certain action or a calling towards a certain direction. You might have it come through as like a light bulb moment, like an “aha moment.”
Have you ever had that where maybe you're doing something random, washing the dishes, cooking dinner, whatever it is. Then all of sudden you have this aha moment. That often is guidance from the angels that's coming through and supporting you, coming through in response to your prayer or when you asked for support. Now it's landing during a random time when your mind is most open to receiving rather than trying to seek it and trying to get the answer.
If you ever notice that you're trying to get an answer and you're trying so hard because you need an answer, that is the exact opposite of receiving guidance because in that state, your mind is not receptive to whatever the divine higher perspective might be.
That's why these other shifts that happen first are imperative in order for you to then receive guidance. And again, guidance might not come through immediately at that moment or within five minutes. It might be later that day, it might be the next day, it might be two days later, three days later.
This is where you have to trust in the process, and know that as long as you are calling upon the angels, praying for that guidance, praying for that support, it is going to happen. It is going to come through.
In the meantime, you can focus on the shifts that are happening on a physical level, like I mentioned, calming your nervous system, noticing feelings within your body, and also how your thoughts and perspectives shift.
As you can see, the way that angels respond to us is often by going from the inside out. First, internal shifts happen in terms of how we're feeling, in terms of our thoughts, and emotions, and then on an external level, you'll begin to be drawn towards your next action or decision, or whatever the case is for you.
I encourage you to first focus on the internal shifts that happen, and on what you feel and you experience, then from there, you'll start to notice whatever other guidance externally will come through.
If you've been like, I'm calling on the angels and I don't see any support, then this is the shift that I want you to make for yourself, is to only focus on the internal and then notice and trust how the external guidance will come through naturally in divine timing.
Share in the comments…
I would really love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know first of all, how you've noticed angels coming through for you or how they respond to you when you pray, or ask for support. Let me know which of these tips you are going to apply for yourself today, and let me know how it goes. I want to hear from you in the comments.
The other thing that I want to share with you is that if you want to deepen your connection to the angels and experience their presence when you call upon them, I have a whole meditation library that is available for you to browse, for you to purchase, whether you want to do an individual meditation that is suited exactly what you need or the whole bundles, Whatever it is that is most suited to you, you will find it inside of the meditation library. Go check it out and browse. It's so much fun. It's like literally walking into a library and being like, which book do I want? Or in this case, which meditation do I want? It is so, so good.
Aside from that, if you enjoy this blog, then please share it with your friends, your family, your community.
Also, come connect with me on Instagram. My handle is @CristinaAroche. You can find me and we can continue the conversation over there.
As always, I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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