How Old Are Angels?
If you've ever wondered how old angels are, how they were all created and where their names come from, keep reading because we are going to be answering all of that and more in today's blog.
I am so excited to dive into this conversation and talk more about the angels and when they were created, how they were created, their ages and their names. This is a question that I received recently in one of my client sessions. And I thought, this is a really great topic to talk about. I think that we've all been curious about an angel's age or when or how they were created, and even how that all has come to be.
My Personal Experience on the Origin of the Angels
I want to share my personal experience and understanding about the age of angels as well as when they were created and how they've come to be.
My core experience with all of this is that angels have come through during different time points throughout history, dependent on our level of consciousness and dependent on whether or not we were ready for the level of angelic healing frequency that they brought in.
As an example, the Archangels have been around for an incredibly long time. The Archangels have been around pretty much since the beginning of humanity. Whereas the angelic realm, the Herschiel Angels, are what I would consider a newer realm. Not necessarily newer in the sense that they were recently created, but more so newer in the sense that it's only in the recent years that they've been more connected to the earthly realm.
The Age of Angels & Our Collective Spiritual Evolution
When we're thinking about an angel's age, we have to think about when they were created and how long they've existed in the universe, but also how long they've been connected and in contact with humans and being able to work with them on this level.
When we are incarnated in our human life, we have that spiritual being that is always connected back to the spiritual realms. We haven't always had the consciousness and the elevated perspective to utilize that aspect of ourselves to its fullest potential.
I think that most people would agree that during this day and age now that consciousness is rising and we are moving through a part of history where there is a big spiritual awakening that's happening. People are raising their awareness levels, people are more connected spiritually.
That changes the game in terms of what's possible, and in terms of the divine beings that are now able to be in contact with us. Also, for us as physical dense beings to actually be able to hold the frequency and the light that they are bringing through.
Our Soul’s Journey Determines our Ability to Interact with the Angels
We have to think about ourselves - because we are humans, because we have a physical body, there is a level of capacity that we're able to hold when it comes to light and when it comes to energy and these angelic frequencies. This level is dependent on our soul's journey and where our soul is at.
I have a feeling that many, many, many of you who are here in my community, who are reading this blog, you are an old soul. Therefore, your soul has an increased capacity to hold these higher frequencies.
Your capacity is also dependent on your personal journey. It's dependent on your healing. It's dependent on where you're at in terms of your consciousness level and your self -awareness and your connection and all of these things. So there are a lot of nuanced factors here that are dependent on where we're at personally in our journeys and being able to connect with these higher frequencies.
However, as a general rule of thumb and speaking on it from a collective level, we are definitely as a collective increasing our capacity as a whole. That's why there are angelic realms such as the Herschiel Angels and the Cosmic Angels that are coming through and bringing through these frequencies.
And as a side note, other celestial beings such as the Arcturians or the Pleiadians, that are able to come through and are able to connect and are able to bring through their healing frequencies because we are actually ready and able to receive it. We're actually prepped, our body has been calibrated, it's attuned to these higher frequencies to be able to receive and then to be able to express that.
We can't force that to happen. It has to be something that we trust in the divine timing and the unfolding.
Trusting In the Divine Unfolding Of Your Soul Journey
What is happening in our individual journeys and lives that is preparing us to be vessels of light and those of you who identify with the terms lightworker or healer or a spiritual leader or anything in that capacity, know that your journey right now is preparing you for whatever light you're meant to shine. Whatever energy and frequencies you're here to bring an anchor into this planet.
That is a huge reason as to why I believe we incarnate as humans in general. Because we need a physical vessel to be able to fully anchor in that light.
That's why we work together - our mission as souls when you think about your purpose, when you think about your mission in general, it's something that you're not doing alone. You're doing it with the divine. You're doing it with the angels. You're doing it with divine beings that are here to support and guide you and the collective because we're all in it together. We're like a big, big team and the head boss, the Divine, God, Source, whatever you want to call it, is the CEO and we are part of this big movement and this big mission.
Our souls have signed up for this and they said, “yes, I will be here! I'm going to sign up for this. I'm going to do this.” That's a little bit of a side note when it comes to understanding the different angelic realms and their ages. They hold different ages and perspectives simply based on when they were created and how they are here to support us.
Angelic Beings Were Not All Created at the Same Time
There are other angelic beings that were actually created later on. Seraphim angels were created later on. There's other healing angels that were created later on. I do believe that there are other angelic beings, including Archangels that come through later on.
That's why the majority of my work is focused on the main 15 archangels. But there are other ones that I talk about on my YouTube channel, but that I haven't really talked about as much anywhere else. The reason why is because they are newer. When they come through, they have a different way of working with us.
We Work with Different Angelic Realms in Different Ways
The other thing to understand about this is that the different angels all have different roles, and ways to work with them.
Depending on what is needed, whatever the energy or the presence or the guidance that needs to come through, the different angels will have a slightly different level of frequency or expertise, if you want to think about that way, that will support us in moving through that specific area of life or that specific conversation, whatever that may be.
That's something else to just keep in mind when it comes to the angels and when it comes to their different ages, they were created during different times and they will come through during different time periods depending on the consciousness of humanity and depending on what we are ready for.
Older and Newer Angels Exist
Within a specific realm - specifically our Guardian Angels - what I've seen personally in my work is that we have old, old, old, old, old guardian angels that have been with us since the beginning of time and we can also have newer guardian angels that come through. Some angels have only ever been angels and then there's other angelic beings that have actually lived a human life and, as our soul’s journey has continued on, they are now in the angelic realm and they are no longer incarnating as humans. That is a phenomenon that is seen within guardian angels and other angelic beings.
That's something else to just keep in mind is that you will most likely have a combination. You'll have some Guardian angels - and I see this time and time again when I do my angel readings and people meet their Guardian angels and it feels like that Guardian angel has been around since the very beginning. Like they are siblings and they just have lived so many lives together and have traveled this soul journey experience together many, many, many, many, many years.
Then there's other Guardian angels who feel newer and who are stepping forward because now the level of consciousness and the spiritual awakening is ready for what they bring in. I want you to think of it that way - where the newer angels that come in, it's because the consciousness of humanity is ready for that level of frequency, whereas we weren't ready before.
That's why there are angelic beings, like the Archangels who have been with us since the beginning of time, who have seen the evolution of humans. That's also why I believe that Archangels are one of the closer angelic realms because they are much more connected to the earthly realm versus other angelic beings such as the Cosmic angels who are not so close to the planet. They're a bit further out and so therefore it doesn't always feel like they're as close to us as other beings like the Archangels or our Guardian angels. I would say those are the top two that are the closest to us. Guardian angels being the closest, and then Archangels being next.
Do Angels Have Actual Chronological Ages?
The way that you can know the age of the different angels, specifically your Guardian angels - I personally have never received an actual number. I have never had an angel tell me they are a thousand years old or anything like that.
I don't believe that they operate on numbers because if you think about age, it's related to time; and time is a 3d concept. It's connected to the earthly realm. Even though these different angelic realms can be connected to the earth and more involved, it doesn't mean that they are of the earth. Time is a bit irrelevant to them.
Time is still convenient to talk about because we are humans, because our brains operate that way. But I want you to just keep in mind, you're not necessarily going to receive an answer when you ask how old your angels are. They likely won’t say they are 3000 years old. But more so you can find the relative knowing of where the angels are if you think of it as a spectrum.
If you think about the older angels, you can feel that they have ancient wisdom. You can feel that they have been around for a long time. And with newer angels, it's a feeling, it's a knowing. Then you can feel how maybe they were created more in the last 100 or 200 years or so. Again, it's all on a spectrum rather than like this distinct number.
Angelic Names Hint At Their Ages
A clue to their age though is in their names. With the angels - now this is not a hard rule across all angelic beings - but in general you can kind of tell the age of an angel, especially the ones who have what seem like older names or different names. I've seen this with guardian angels. Some guardian angels have just everyday regular names that you wouldn't think anything of. Then other angels have very different names you wouldn't really hear anywhere else. Sometimes I'm sitting there, I'm like, okay, how do you spell that? How do you spell that name? Because it's very different.
Their names are chosen really for our benefit at the end of the day. Their names reflect their energy and their frequency. When you are tuned in to any of your angel's names, it's a way to be able to connect with the energy, with the personality, with the frequency that they hold that can then help you when you are receiving guidance. Their chosen names can help you when you are in that transmission of energy; when you are receiving whatever activation or information that you need, it can help to connect with that on a deeper level.
The names that angels use are really for our benefit. It's for our benefit to be able to differentiate them, to be able to connect with their personality, with their energy, with their frequency much better. And at the end of the day, to me, it's all about our intention and knowing that that's the specific energy we're connecting with.
Angelic Names Can Have Many Variations
I've received comments in the past where people tell me I am pronouncing an Archangels name wrong. It should be pronounced like this or whatever. And to me, I like to think about the hundreds and hundreds of different languages that exist on the planet. Not everyone is going to pronounce that angels name the exact same way with this particular pronunciation. You can't make them wrong for however they might pronounce that specific angel.
You have to think about how at the end of the day, it's for our benefit. A common example is the name Michael in English, but in Spanish it's Miguel. You’re not going to make someone wrong who's calling him Miguel versus Michael. It’s one of those things where we have to understand that names are for our benefit. And however we end up calling the angels or however they approach us specifically with their name, it's going to be for us. It's for our benefit, for our relationship with them to be able to feel a difference in a deepening in that connection through our unique relationship. So one person can call an angel one way, another person from a different culture can call the same angel slightly different with a different accent or a different way of pronouncing it.
At the end of the day, it's not going to make a difference in the sense that the angel isn't not going to respond to someone else because from both sides, the intention is to connect with that same energy. That’s how that unique relationship is formed.
That’s just something else to keep in mind when you are deepening your connection with the angels and you're asking for their name or you're kind of contemplating a specific angel's name. It is knowing that it's part of your development of your relationship with them. Just like how color is in the way that we perceive it, names will also be unique and it's going to support you specifically in the development of your relationship with that angel.
When you are deepening your connection, when you're strengthening and exploring your angelic connection, it's important to remember that it's about your unique connection. It’s about how that comes through for you specifically, and to build trust and confidence and continue to nurture that relationship so that you can expand in your spiritual growth, in your spiritual awareness.
That's my little tidbit for you today regarding the angels' ages and how they were created, when they were created and also their names.
Deepen Your Angelic Connection in The Angels Guild
If you want to go deeper in exploring your spiritual connection, your angelic connection, and understand how the roles of the angels support you in your life, on your journey, with your purpose, and with who you have come here to be, then I invite you to come join me inside of The Angels Guild. This is a spiritual movement! It is a place where people are coming together: spiritual seekers, light workers, and healers. We're all coming together to deepen that angelic connection and more specifically be supported and guided by the angels into the evolution of what we have come here to do, create, and who we have come here to be.
The Angels Guild is a combination of information. Receiving knowledge and learning, and going through these deep dive trainings to understand more about the angels. It's about the practical where you receive different exercises and ways in which you can deepen and connect with the angels, meeting your personal angels, knowing your personal angels names and all of the ways in which they support you.
And also receiving guidance! Every single month we do an Ask the Angels Q &A where you are literally receiving personal guidance for your journey, wherever you're at in your journey, whatever it is that you're focusing on. The angels are here to support you. They are here to guide you. And I channel for my membership community every single month specific to you and your needs. It is just a beautiful space where everything comes together and there's this evolution that happens. There’s this expansion that happens in terms of your soul's work, in terms of knowing who you are and knowing how that angelic connection is specifically meant to be utilized and expressed through you in this lifetime.
If you're ready to explore that, if you're ready to go deeper with me, come join me inside of The Angels Guild. I cannot wait to have you and support you on this path.
Share in the comments…
I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know. Have you ever thought about this question? What do you feel around the angels, your specific guardian angels and their ages and their names? Let me know in the comments below. I want to hear from you.
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As always, I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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