Read the Archangel Blog

by Cristina Aroche

Angels, Archangels Cristina Aroche Angels, Archangels Cristina Aroche

Angels & Their Colors

I'll help you in your understanding of how the angels come through for you in connection with you and the colors that you might feel and see when you are speaking to or connecting with a specific archangel and how that can support you.

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Angels Cristina Aroche Angels Cristina Aroche

Seraphim Angels

If you are a lightworker, a healer, here to help others in some way, shape or form, that means that you have Seraphim angels that are here to support you as well!

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Angels Cristina Aroche Angels Cristina Aroche

Angel Celeste

Angel Celeste is a universal angel who supports us in our soul’s evolution growth, and integration.

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