Pick A Card Angelic Guidance For Support On Your Journey
Today we are doing another pick a card angel reading to support you on your journey.
Today we are diving into another pick a card angel reading message. The focus and theme for today's message is all about what you are meant to ground into over the next month.
When I say grounding into it really is about grounding into your true self. It's about grounding into your light, into your purpose, into your being.
When it comes to grounding - the reason why this is the focus for us this month ahead is because we are going through a transformational time and we are being guided to step into more of our true selves and to our calling and to our truth and to our purpose.
Moving Into A New Month & A New Focus
The previous month really supported us with uncovering and unraveling aspects that maybe do not serve you anymore. It supported you with being able to come to a foundational energy around who you're meant to be and into what you're being called to step into.
Now in this upcoming month, you are meant to ground and solidify into it and anchor down in it to really have that strong base and foundation in place so that then you can blossom and you can grow.
What Does Grounding Truly Mean?
If you think about grounding, when a plant is growing, the first thing that happens is that the roots are created and then the rest of the plant starts to grow. It’s the same principle here. Your roots are being planted. You are growing those roots right now so that you can then blossom and allow the fullness of who you are to shine.
Setting Your Intention
Guidance Surrounding How We Are Meant To Ground This Month
With the cards today, you're going to set the intention around what specific guidance or perspective around what grounding - for you specifically - is necessary this month.
Whether you are in a place right now where you are not even sure of yourself, and you find yourself wondering, “what is my true self? Who am I? I don't even know what my purpose is. What am I here to do? Or maybe you do have some idea, but you're unsure how to ground into it? Maybe you are questioning, what does grounding into my purpose and light actually mean?
These cards are going to guide you through that exact process. I'm really excited for you to dive into this!
Intuitively Choosing Your Archangel Oracle Card Pile
In the image below I'm going to show you the cards for this reading. As you begin to tune into the energy of the cards, you'll notice that there are three piles and within each pile, there are three cards.
I want you to just take a deep breath in through your nose. You can close your eyes if you feel called and begin to just set your intention for this upcoming month. What are you meant to ground into as it relates to your true self, as it relates to your purpose, as it relates to your divine calling? And then allow yourself to just be guided to the card pile that feels best to you, the one that stands out to you.
Once you have chosen that card pile, write it down in the comments and just sit back, read on, and receive your message.
We are about to begin with the messages. What I want you to know is that you can skip ahead. If you scroll down and look at the headings of each blog section, you can just read the card pile that you chose.
Watch me show all of the cards I describe in this blog right here!
I also want to hear from you as you receive the reading, let me know how it lands with you. Let’s get started!
Pile A
Tap or hover over the image to reveal the cards from Pile A.
If you picked Pile A this message is for you.
The first card that I'm going to start off with is the angel card that came through, which is so funny because when I was shuffling and pulling these cards, there was always an angel card that came through, which is so amazing to see how that works!
Your angel is Archangel Gabriel. Archangel Gabriel is coming forward for you and you have these two message cards that came through, Embodiment and Enlightenment.
Archangel Gabriel is the main angel for you to call on to support you in your grounding and the focus for you this month is in your embodiment and in your enlightenment.
When it comes to embodiment, this is about allowing the habits and the behaviors and the actions and the decisions to be a part of your everyday life. Meaning that as you reflect on your true self and you reflect on where you desire to go and who you desire to be, your responsibility is to make the appropriate decisions and to take the appropriate action that is in alignment with that vision.
Whether that means that you have to wake up a little bit earlier in order to be able to have some extra time or whether that means that you have to say no to certain things because those no longer align with that vision, whatever the case is for you, this is what embodiment means.
Embodiment means that you are aligning with that vision through your actions, through your decisions, through your behaviors.
Now, when it comes to the enlightenment card, the subtitle there says, trust your intuition. This is something where you're going to navigate what habits, or what behaviors are in alignment or no longer in alignment using your intuition.
Your intuition is going to support you and you're going to almost instantly feel or have a knowing of yes, that's in alignment; or no, that's not in alignment. Yes, that's something that I should be doing. No, that's not something that I should be doing in regards to something that contributes to your vision.
I want you to start to think of that every moment of your day in your life. You're either working towards the bigger vision or you're not.
That’s just simply what it is. We are humans, so of course we are not perfect. Of course there's going to be times when we just decide to do the thing that even though we know it isn't contributing to my bigger vision, but we decide to do it anyways. And that's okay.
It’s not about being rigid and it's not about being perfect, but it is about looking at what you are consistently showing up for. And reflecting on whether the way you have your behaviors and your habits right now are consistently in alignment with your bigger vision or do things need to change?
You can call on Archangel Gabriel to support you through this process, to guide you, to direct you, allow him to be a mirror to you, for you to see your true self and to know that you are worthy and you are deserving of those specific changes, those actions, whatever it is that you are moving towards. That is your message.
Pile B
Tap or hover over the image to reveal the cards from Pile B.
If you pick pile B, this is your message.
First of all, you have Archangel Chamuel who is coming forward to support you. And we've got these two cards; Shifts & Changes, and Speak Your Truth. This is going to be good!
One of the things that's coming through very strongly with Archangel Chamuel is that he's supporting you in regards to knowing that your voice is a powerful vehicle in order to create changes in your life.
When it comes to the shifts and the changes that you are wanting in your life and that you are calling in, it's important to recognize how it's directly connected to your voice! How you are communicating, what you are communicating and whether you are communicating in alignment with the shifts and changes that you are desiring to make or not.
If you are directing energy with your voice, if you're speaking internally what you're speaking out loud, what you're speaking about yourself, and what you're saying to other people, it all matters.
Understanding that your voice is powerful and that you get to use the strength of your voice and to focus on strengthening your voice this month with the support of Archangel Chamuel so that you can utilize it to bring in the shifts and changes that you desire in your life.
This is going to be very grounding because you're going to begin to recognize and discover a hidden superpower that you didn't even know you had.
All of a sudden now with the practice and connection to your voice, speaking your truth, communicating and allowing that to be a way in which you bring about shifts and changes - you're going to fully recognize your voice is actually powerful. Your voice gets to be heard, your voice gets to come alive.
This might even for some of you mean that it's time to use your voice in a bigger way, maybe bringing it forward on a platform, let's say Instagram or YouTube or some other place. But this is for you to understand and reflect on how you have not been using your voice? How are you being called to use your voice?
Then understanding that as you communicate, as you use your voice and you strengthen it, that is going to bring about the shifts and changes that you desire. So that is super exciting, I love this so much!
Pile C
Tap or hover over the image to reveal the cards from Pile C.
Pile C, this is for you.
Your angel is Archangel Raphael. I love this so much, this is so, so good!!
Archangel Raphael is your angel and then these are your cards, which just go so well together. It's Trust the Process, and Visions & Dreams.
With Archangel Raphael, I feel him so strongly guiding you in holding onto, expanding, and really being in the energy of your vision and your dreams. That's what he is guiding you to ground into this month, is to look at your visions and dreams, to look at where maybe you have put them on the back burner, set them aside, like, “yeah, I'll get to that later.” Then somehow forgot about it.
Archangel Raphael is bringing you back. It's like he's pulling you back to your vision, to your dream. And he's saying, “hey, remember this? Remember how you wanted this? Remember how you declared that this is who you were meant to be and what you're going to do and the vision for your life? Remember that?”
He’s bringing you back to that and supporting you to get grounded in it. As you do, the most important part here is the second card, which is Trust the Process.
Trusting in the process of how it's meant to come together. I feel like sometimes when we are thinking about a specific vision or dream or desire, immediately the mind kicks in and says, “okay, how's that going to happen? How are we going to make it work? What's the next step?”
Archangel Raphael is like, “I don't need you to figure out the next steps right now. I need you to trust in the process. I need you to trust in your own self. I need you to look at yourself and know that you are capable, that you are worthy, that you are powerful, that you are meant for this and to allow that energy to move through you.”
Your focus this month is less about what's the actual next step because that's naturally going to come in.
Your focus is more so about believing in the vision and being in the vision and imagining yourself in the vision and beginning to put more faith and trust and knowing that you are worthy behind that vision.
That's the key thing for you to ground into this month. You can call on Archangel Raphael to support you. He is there to guide you through this entire process. That is the guidance for you if you picked pile C.
The Archangel Oracle Card Deck
One of the things that I realized that I forgot to share at the beginning is what card deck we're using, which is
The Archangel Oracle card deck. That is the card deck that I used to do this intuitive reading.
If you do not have this deck yet, you can order it by clicking the link above and receive it within the next couple of days and have your own copy of this beautiful deck. I love it so much! Go check it out and order your copy.
Share in the comments…
I want to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know how your specific card reading resonated with you. And as always, if you have any questions at all, you can always post them in the comments below. Make sure that you share this with your friends, your family, your community.
I'm sending you so much love and angel blessings!
Unlock your connection to the Archangels
The Archangel Oracle Card Deck & Guidebook is now available.