Deepen your connection to the angelic realms






Are you ready to have a simple and straightforward connection with the angels?

Welcome to The Angels Guild - a platform to support you with becoming spiritually connected and aligned with the angels.

So you no longer feel alone or disconnected from yourself and the divine.

So you no longer question if you’re receiving the right spiritual guidance.

So you no longer wonder whether or not you’re following the right path.

Instead, you get to:

Have clearly laid out next steps to deepen your spiritual connection.

Learn how to trust in yourself and the path you’re on.

Live in true connection with the angels in your everyday life.

Discover your divine gifts and align with your true self.

The Angels Guild is a membership platform that was created to support you by elevating your spiritual connection.

Inside, you’re going to receive exclusive resources and trainings that will:

  • Develop your connection to the angels

  • Elevate your ability to receive divine messages and guidance

  • Increase your confidence and trust in yourself

  • Help you discover more about your true self and spiritual gifts

How it works:

Each month we will have a central angelic theme to focus on.

There will be a scheduled live training, recorded meditative journey, and a live “Ask The Angels Q+A” call.

All live calls will be recorded and available to watch at your convenience.

PLUS - be a part of an exclusive community of like-minded souls!


Angelic themes include:

1. Archangels

2. Herschiel Angels

3. Cosmic Angels

4. Guardian Angels

5. Seraphim Angels

6. Celestial Beings

7. Energy Healing with Angels

8. Communicating with Angels

9. Earth Angels & Their Role

And so much more…


The Angels Guild is for you if…

  • You are curious about your connection to the angels

  • You want to learn more about how the different angelic realms can support you and your life

  • You desire to discover your gifts and learn how to channel divine energy

  • You want to be able to connect with the angels on a deeper level

  • You are a healer and want to sharpen your skills and gifts

If any of those resonated with you, then The Angels Guild is your next step to strengthen your spiritual connection so you can live in alignment with your true divine self.

Doors are open for a limited time!

WHen you join by september 20th, you’ll be entered to win a 1:1 angel reading with cristina

PLUS you’ll get access to a Bonus Workshop: Divine Connections

Three options to join



$79/month (no commitment)



$69/month (12-month commitment)



$708/year (only $59/month)

Exclusive bonus when you sign up for the year:

Receive The Archangel Oracle Card Deck for free!*

*Only pay for shipping

There’s never been a better time than now to learn how to work with the angels on a deeper level or to be more directly guided on your spiritual journey.

When you join The Angels Guild, you’re not just joining another course or platform…

You are a part of a global community of lightworkers and like-minded spiritual seekers who understand the power of our connection with the divine.

You become a part of a collective shift into higher consciousness, evolution and spiritual healing.

The Angels Guild is your pathway to unlocking a deeper spiritual connection with yourself, the angels and the divine.


Join The Angels Guild today and see the true potential that you hold.

Doors open until 9/27

WHen you join by september 20th, you’ll be entered to win a 1:1 angel reading with cristina

PLUS you’ll get access to a Bonus Workshop: Divine Connections




$79/month (no commitment)



$69/month (12-month commitment)



$708/year (only $59/month)

Exclusive bonus when you sign up for the year:

Receive The Archangel Oracle Card Deck for free!*

*Only pay for shipping


  • Yes. Through the guided journeys and healing meditations, you are going to open up your connection to the angels and learn how to receive your own angelic messages. The community inside of The Angels Guild is there to support you with validation and building your confidence in your ability to receive these messages and discerning their meaning.

  • Absolutely! Being able to connect with the angels is based on your consistency, your belief in being able to do so, and elevating your vibrational energy, all of which are things that we focus on inside of The Angels Guild.

  • This is very dependent on each individual. For some it happens quicker than others. As long as you are focused on your long-term vision and desire to become more spiritually connected and aligned, then you will have no problem experiencing a deeper level of connection to the angels.