Pick A Card Angelic Guidance For Change & Transformation
I'm so excited for today's guidance. We're doing something a little bit different, I am going to be showing you some angelic cards. You are able to pick the pile that resonates most with you. Then I'm going to be sharing the guidance that is coming through for you specifically.
The Archangel Oracle Card Deck
First, I want to show you the deck that I am using. It is The Archangel Oracle card deck created by yours truly alongside Nina Katherine - the amazing artist of this deck. This deck comes with beautiful golden edged cards. There are lots of beautiful messages and sacred geometry as well as specific angel cards. It also has a wonderful guidebook. So this is the deck we are using today.
I'm going to lead you through how to set the intention so that you can receive the appropriate guidance. This is going to be very much focused on the energy of September - which in a nutshell is all about transformation and creating change in your life.
Trust In The Divine Timing
If you want to learn more about the angel messages that are coming through for the month of September and how you can be supported in this upcoming month, then tap here to access the video inside of my free community. Come join me inside of the Divine Pathfinders Community. That is where I shared the video and the full in depth description of what's going on this upcoming month and how the angels are supporting you, given the topic of change and transformation.
By the way, if you're watching this at some point later on, like months down the line from when I posted this, you can still use this with the same focus on change and transformation. No matter what time period you're in, if you're watching this a year from now, you can still use this guidance to support you.
It's really all about if you are in a space right now where you are wanting to bring in some sort of change, or transformation into your life, then the guidance coming through today is going to lead you into the exact next step.
When it comes to creating change and transformation, there is so much that we can look at specifically; depending on the person, depending on their situation, depending on where you’re at on your journey, you’re going to have different things that are more relevant for you during this time to bring through powerful momentum for your desired change and transformation.
Step One: Making an Intention
The intention today is, “what is the guidance that I need right now for my change and transformation to take place; for the momentum to grow for me; to stay focused on the divine path that is ahead.”
That is the question that I want you to ask yourself and to just sit with that for one moment and really anchor into that intention. Close your eyes and repeat the intention in your own words.
What is the guidance for me today for me to be able to step into the change and the transformation that is for my highest good, that leads me to my greatest potential, that is supporting me, that is leading me, and that I am ready to receive today.
That is your intention.
Step Two: Choosing an Oracle Card Pile
Now, I want you to look at each of these three piles, and you're going to choose one of the piles. I want you to tune in right now to the energy, take a moment, look at them, feel into them, and pick your pile.
From left to right, you have Pile A, Pile B, and Pile C. These cards were preselected. I set the intention that each pile represents what the people needed, whoever picked those piles. The cards in each pile go very well together. Also, I used my method of shuffling and choosing whichever cards popped out.
Once you have chosen your pile you can scroll down to the guidance for you.
Pile A
If you picked pile A, then these are the cards that are coming through for you.
The Cards
Card number 11, Archangel Jeremiah. It says, “release the past.”
You also have Divine Protection, card number 41. It says, “trust in the unseen.”
The Guidance
Archangel Jeremiah is coming through with this energy and this message of letting go. It feels like a real focus on the shedding and the releasing and understanding that when you release and let go, what's actually going to come forward is a deeper understanding. It's like the true identity of who you are is coming to light.
One of your focuses for the change and transformation that you desire to create in your life is, “what is the actual truth of who I am? What is the identity that is wanting to be born, that is wanting to come forward to support you, embodying change and transformation?”
In order to know what that new identity is, you have to let go of what is tying you back to past stories, past identities, past ways of being, behaviors, habits, whatever it is. You can call on Archangel Jeremiel to support you and he's going to be there, present with you as a guide and helping you to finally just let go, release any remaining pieces or energies.
One of the things I also feel really guided to share with you is the releasing cords guided meditation that I have available. This cord cutting meditation is very helpful when there's people or situations that feel like they weigh us down or keep holding us back in some way. That is going to be a really, really powerful resource for you to connect with. If you have been feeling stuck and are wanting some support, I'm going to direct you towards that meditative journey.
The other card here with Divine Protection, trust in the unseen. This is all about understanding that as you're walking your path, even though some moments feel very challenging, some moments feel uncomfortable, some moments feel a little sticky and murky and you're moving through this - know that you are protected, and that you are guided.
It's trusting in the unseen that even though right now the situation might feel challenging and it might feel really uncomfortable, doing the releasing of the past and releasing of old identities, that you are actually moving through onto the other side into the breakthrough. As part of that process, it is important for you to stay steady, stay focused and for you to continue putting one foot in front of the other.
Extra Bonus Guidance
I also feel Archangel Michael coming in for you letting you know you can call on Archangel Michael and ask him to support you and help you to feel the strength and power and courage that comes along with following your path, and continuing to step into the beautiful change and transformation that is ahead for you, which is directly in line with your purpose, with your power, with who you are here to be.
Pile A, that is for you! I want to hear from you in the comments. Let me know how this landed with you. Let me know how you're going to move forward from here knowing now that this is your guidance.
Pile B
All right, Pile B people, this is for you! Here's what we've got, you received three cards.
The Cards
Archangel Uriel, It says, “connect to higher self.”
Embodiment, “Become your true self.”
And lastly, Creative Connection, “A world of possibilities awaits.”
The Guidance
I love this so, so much! All right, so let's first talk about Archangel Uriel because his energy is coming through so strongly. I feel an essence of connecting to your solar plexus. For sure, solar plexus is going to be your anchor and your center of power throughout this entire month as you move through change and transformation.
With Archangel Uriel, his support for you is really focused on you coming back to your sense of power that as you are creating changes and transformations, maybe making different decisions, changing your habits and behaviors that you do that from a place of empowerment, not from a place of victimhood, not from a place of I should, but it's more so from a place of your power, your centeredness, your connection to your true self.
As a result of that, that is where the embodiment card, number 29, comes in, “become your true self.” It is a direct connection to how when you are centered in your power, which is your solar plexus chakra, and then you ground down through that energy. So when you're making those decisions, when you are stepping into the opportunities or the things that you know are meant for you, you are embodying! You're becoming more of your true self, you are grounding into that energy.
That's going to be really powerful and really important for you. Because part of your specific path and journey through the change and transformation that's coming up for you is that it's about you integrating what is already there. It's integrating the power that you hold. It's a process of integrating instead of it just being there.
Maybe you are feeling like, “I don't know if I can. I don't know if I'm ready to hold this power and to embody this truth or to be this version of myself.” This message for you is saying, yes, you are ready. And the sooner that you claim that this is who you are and that this is your truth and that this is your power, the sooner you will feel the integration, the embodiment of that being your reality and of that coming into fruition and of that change being anchored into your actual physical environment. So that's going to be huge for you!
Then with this creative connection card number 35, says, “a world of possibilities awaits.” What's going to happen is you're actually going to feel the sense of freedom to create. Rather than feeling like you are stuck in a box, or maybe creatively blocked, or perhaps just not really certain on what creative direction to go in; you're actually going to experience a sense of freedom. It's almost like someone removed the lid and everything just pops out and you're like, “wooooo! Let it out, allow it to flow! This freedom for creative expression.” That's what's coming through here.
With the creative connection card, it's letting you know what is to happen. It's less about connecting right now to creative energy. It's more so letting you know, as you go through this process with Archangel Uriel with the embodiment of your truth and allowing the energy to be grounded through you, this is the result. Your creative potential, your creative energy, creative expression is going to go through the roof and it's going to explode! It's going to feel so good and alive and empowering and all of the things. So that is what I am seeing for you.
That is the message for you, pile B. Let me know how that lands with you. Let me know how that resonates and what you're going to be doing next. Set the intention below in the comments.
Pile C
All right, pile C, you're up. This is for you, and you also have three cards. I love this combination of cards. It's just so amazing to see how these cards show up together. Here we go.
The Cards
Archangel Sandalphon, “Be true to yourself.”
New Beginnings, “a fresh outlook and new experiences.”
And then lastly, Visions & Dreams, “bring your visions to life.”
The Guidance
This is so good! All right, Archangel Sandalphon is supporting you. He is guiding you through your change and transformation. His card says, “be true to yourself,” it's card number 14 in this deck. He is bringing through an energy of confidence and belief. That is really his superpower right now for you specifically during this time.
If you pick this pile, there is an energy of confidence and belief that is coming through and he's guiding you to look at where there are still parts of you where you're not fully confident in yourself. You're not fully trusting yourself, you're not fully believing yet that what you desire is actually possible for you.
It could be that 95% of you is like, “yes, I believe it!” But there's still a little 5% that is needing to be addressed. Addressing the 5% in a way where you are bringing it on board for the ride. It's not necessarily about you having to be 100% there because we're still human. We've got flaws, we've got things that come up.
It's not about being perfectly at 100%,it's more so about looking at the small parts of us that aren't necessarily quite there, and wondering how we can bring them on board. How can we allow those parts of us to feel safe? Oftentimes this is connected to our inner child. It's connected to aspects of us that maybe have experienced unsafe moments in the past. This is about bringing through a deeper level of confidence and trust in yourself that what you desire - the change and the transformation that you have set for yourself over these next several weeks - is actually possible for you that you're actually meant for it and that you are ready. So that is what Archangel Sandalphon is supporting you with today.
Now, the New Beginnings card is number 37, and it says, “a fresh outlook and new experiences.” As you probably are already aware, the changes and transformations that you are calling into your life are bringing through new experiences, new beginnings, new ways of being. This card is showing you that this is about you being in a state of surrender in a state of knowing that it is already happening, it is already unfolding.
It's less about black and white thinking, for example, right now there's no change or transformation, and now there is! It's not like this or that but it's rather a spectrum and it's understanding that you are in the process. You are already transforming, you are already in the unfolding of the new beginning. As you surrender into the unfolding and as you surrender into the idea and the fact that it's already happening - that it's not something that is over here, you have to reach that destination, but it's actually already a part of your experience.
That mindset is what's going to help build the momentum to bring you fully into the change and transformation that you're calling in. This new beginning that you are creating for yourself, it's actually already unfolding right before you. The encouragement for you is to start to look at the evidence and to look at the proof that it is unfolding, that it is happening. And that starts with how we feel inside. It starts with the fact that you have this newfound belief in yourself and you have this newfound confidence in yourself. And it's about noticing, it is happening, i is unfolding. Beginning to bring that perspective into your life is what's going to support you with continuing on taking each next step forward, but also in allowing and bringing through that continuous unfolding into your life. Because like I said, it's already happening, so you're simply surrendering to the process.
The last card, which fits so perfectly here, visions and dreams, bring your visions to life. This is a message that is letting you know that as you surrender, as you focus on the fact that it's already happening, your visions and dreams are coming to life. The vision of who you are, of what you're stepping into, of what you desire to experience, it's all part of the process. Focusing on that and the unfolding is leading you to where you're headed.
The result is the vision and dreams that you have been desiring, that you've been holding onto, that you have been envisioning for however long. It is here, it is happening, it is ready for you. Really this focus for you in September or whenever you are creating this change and transformation in your life is about the surrender into, “it's happening, it's unfolding, my visions and dreams are here.”
I'm so excited for you, Pile C!
Share in the comments…
Let me know below which pile you picked. Let me know how the message resonated with you and what you will be focusing on or moving forward on next as a result of this angel card message for you.
The other question I have for you is if you enjoyed this because this is something new and different that I'm doing, but I am so excited to do more of these if this is something that you enjoy. Let me know, post that in the comments if you want to see more of these types of videos and I will make sure to create those.
Otherwise, I hope you enjoy this. If you did please share this blog with your friends, your family, your community, and ask them what they are setting their intention for when it comes to creating change and transformation.
I cannot wait to hear how all of that goes. As always, I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
Unlock your connection to the Archangels
The Archangel Oracle Card Deck & Guidebook is now available.