Deepening Your Connection With Archangel Azrael
In this post you are going to learn how to deepen your connection to Archangel Azrael.
I want to start off by helping you to visualize his energy. Archangel Azrael comes through in purple and orange colors and they're definitely more muted, subtle and very grounding. He is associated with death and rebirth, and that is how he supports us.
Themes of Death and Rebirth
On one level, he supports people who are in mourning or going through that process with a loved one who has passed away. When you are experiencing grief and pain, that is a time to call on Archangel Azrael’s support.
There's also the other perspective of death and rebirth where we might think of our own identity shift and how we transform. How we might be going through an ego death and rebirth of aspects of ourselves, and coming into a more aligned identity. Those are the two main ways that Archangel Azrael can support us.
Support with Pain
Now, one of the things that he comes through and one of the things that both of those experiences have in common is the pain that is experienced because whether you are mourning and in grief over a past loved one or you are going through your own identity crisis and death and rebirth and transformation, there's going to be pain associated with that. It's different types of pain, but it's pain nonetheless.
It's a pain of hardship. It's a pain of not knowing what's coming next, nor what to do next. It's a pain of getting used to something that you are unfamiliar with. These growing pains, so to speak, are something that Archangel Azrael can support you with and when you call on him to guide you and to support you, he's going to help you to see the true identity of who you are that gets to rise up in the face of that pain and in the face of that transition that is happening. Anytime that you are going through a transition, no matter how tiny it is, you're shifting how you view yourself - you are shifting the energy that you are embodying. Archangel Azrael’s energy can support you with that.
The Subtle Energy of Archangel Azrael
One of the things to know about his energy is that it's very subtle. His energy and his presence are very subtle. It's never been at the forefront and loud or big like some of the other archangels like Archangel Michael, for example, Archangel Azrael is very in the background. He's very subtle. He's there and his presence is still powerful, but it feels a lot more subtle.
When it comes to working with him and deepening your connection to him, the key is to not to feel discouraged or feel like you're doing something wrong if his energy and his presence doesn't feel super big, like you might be used to with other archangels.
Archangel Azrael I need you to please support me and to just be with me.
It's important for you to understand that the way Archangel Azrael works is that it's more about being with him. Instead of asking him for guidance, it's more just sitting with him and asking him to be with you in this moment, because you are going through a hard time. You are going through these growing pains. You’re going through this identity crisis. You’re mourning a loved one. You are in grief right now and need his help and support.
Not feeling like you have to force any sort of guidance to come through or answers to something. You're just being and the beauty of Archangel Azrael is that it's in the being that the answer or whatever the next step is gets to be revealed to you. Thinking of it as something that is revealed to you as you are in his presence.
Processing Energy & Shifting Perspectives
Archangel Azrael’s presence helps to also process energy. Because of the nature of the conversation that we're having, there's a lot of emotional energy. There's a lot of grief, and pain, that needs to be worked through and released.
Sometimes we can get stuck in holding on to the energy and not fully processing it and not fully letting it go. That's where you want to work with Archangel Azrael and know that in his presence, it's almost like a filter or a way to help ease and move the energy through you rather than it getting stuck or you holding on to it. You are allowing it to be moved. You're allowing it to move through you.
In that process, as it is moved through you, that is where you also shift perspective. That's where the new identity gets revealed to you. That's where you start to understand things from a different perspective. Those are all important things for you to know and understand with regards to Archangel Azrael and how to work with him.
It's a little bit different from the other Archangels and it's a bit more subtle. It's a little bit more of this, like “I'm just going to be with you. And I'm in that beingness. I'm going to give you comfort. I'm going to give you support. I'm going to give you love.”
As you process and release those emotions, a new awareness is going to be revealed, but we have to trust and be patient with the process. If you notice yourself trying to rush it or trying to force something to happen, let it go. Just notice yourself trying to force something. Then remind yourself to just take a step back and be present with Archangel Azrael.
Archangel Azrael’s Symbol: The Swirl
When it comes to understanding when he is around you, one of the main symbols that he shows me is a swirl. Think of a swirl - he's revealing it as a continuous evolutionary path, like how we are continuously shifting and growing. As you move out of the swirl, you're getting bigger which represents your expansion. It represents how we expand and how we grow over time through the different transitions that we move through. That's a natural part of life, it's unavoidable.
Life is going to give you these moments where you are challenged, where you have to face an ego death, where you are grieving, where you are going through these different experiences. Recognizing how every experience is widening you to be able to hold more love and to be able to be more in your true self and to help you to expand into the true identity of who you are. That's what the swirl represents.
If you happen to see a swirl somewhere, know that that's a symbol from Archangel Azrael letting you know he is saying to you, “hey, I'm with you. I heard you call my name. I'm with you. Here's a sign. Here's a symbol that shows you I got you.” So just keep that in mind next time you are working with Archangel Azrael.
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I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know what your experience has been like working with him. Let me know what it feels like for you to be in that space when you call on him and how he subtly is there with you. I'd love to hear your experiences with the angels and this is no exception! I can't wait to hear from you.
I am sending you so much love and angel blessings as always!
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