Archangel Ariel - 3 Ways to Deepen Your Connection
In this post you are going to learn about Archangel Ariel and three ways to connect with her.
About Archangel Ariel
Archangel Ariel has such a beautiful, earthy energy and connecting with Archangel Ariel helps to ground us and to support us in coming back to our body. This is helpful when we're all up in our head overthinking, and making any decisions. Archangel Ariel helps to ground our energy and bring us back into the present moment.
Connecting with Archangel Ariel can also be very supportive in your work if you are someone who works with animals or the environment. She has that earthly presence that can support you in your connection with the earth or earth's creatures.
Connecting With Archangel Ariel Through Meditation
The first way to deepen your connection with Archangel Ariel specifically is through a meditative practice. This is something that she shared with me as I was tuning in for this blog, and asking what needs to be shared. This is also something that I have personally experienced a lot when I feel her presence or when I connect with her is a particular visualization.
Try This Visualization Practice:
Archangel Ariel is associated with this visualization or meditative state.
“Imagine a tall grassy field. There are flowers, it’s almost like these dainty little flowers - you might visualize it slightly differently, and that is perfect. Visualize a space in nature that makes you feel at peace and at ease. In this tall grassy field, the way that I’ve always been shown it is that there’s this beautiful ray of sunlight. I can smell the fresh clean air and it just feels so beautiful and at peace here.
The key thing here is that in this earthy space you can lay down. You are here to absorb the earth beneath you and the sun that’s shining down above you. Then Archangel Ariel shows up in that space. When you’re connected to her in that way, her presence and her guidance feels amplified. It feels like it’s 10 times stronger and 10 times clearer because now you’ve taken yourself to a space where the connection with her is more direct.”
If you are someone who loves to meditate or you love to go within using your inner vision/third eye and visualize in that way, then taking yourself into that earthy space can support you in connecting with Archangel Ariel and feeling peaceful and grounded.
If you're someone who loves to visualize or meditate, then that is the first way that you can connect with her and deepen your relationship and connection with Archangel Ariel. This visualization is something you can also do if you are in need of grounding. When you feel like you're all over the place and you need Archangel Ariel to help ground your energy. You can take yourself to that meditative space and ask her to be there with you and then work with her energy to ground you, to support you, to clear out whatever the thing is that has been making you feel disconnected.
Connecting With Archangel Ariel Through Nature
The other way to connect with Archangel Ariel is simply going outside in nature. Whether it's in your backyard or to the ocean or a forest, or maybe you live right in the middle of a busy city and it's concrete everywhere - then taking yourself whenever you can out in nature is another great way to be in connection, not just with Archangel Ariel, but with the earth and mother nature and to be supported and nurtured in that way.
When you're out in nature, whether it's in your backyard or a specific space - the air and surroundings speak to you.
What's important to do here in your connection with Archangel Ariel is feeling like she's within everything. So if let's say you are at the beach, then the sand, the ocean, the water - everything that you see surrounding you - feel Archangel Ariel being in it all. If you are in the forest and seeing all the trees, plants, the flowers, the dirt beneath your feet, feel and know that Archangel Ariel exists within it all.
When you are in this immersive space with nature, what she's saying is she wants you to feel her presence in what you're sensing and feeling and experiencing all around you. It's almost like the opposite of what I just shared - when you're going internally and visualizing within your mind's eye. Now you are actually using all of your senses, what you hear, what you smell, what you see, what you feel, to actually experience Archangel Ariel in your surroundings.
That's her way of connecting with you - and by the way, there's no wrong or right way. These are all just options for you to explore. Maybe you try all of them and you see which one you like best or which one feels the best for you or, it might change from time to time.
Connecting With Archangel Ariel Through Moonstone Mala Beads
The third way that she showed me is with Moonstone Mala beads. If you don't have mala beads, you can simply use a moonstone.
The mala beads hold an energetic intention that is part of their creation, that along with how you can hold them in your hand and work with them in more of a prayer kind of way sets them apart. But like I said, there's no barrier here. There's no rules. You don't have to do that specifically if you want to tweak it a little bit to fit your current situation, your life, what you already have on hand, then by all means do that.
If you happen to have Moonstone Mala beads or if you happen to be wanting to get Moonstone Mala beads, then this is a sign to get them because working with the Mala beads is going to be a great way for you to get into a state of prayer with Archangel Ariel.
It's like a prayer, or a commitment, it's almost like a ritual in a way, where you are working with her connecting with her presence specifically through this crystal to support, guide, and nurture you to have an energetic reset. That's when you're going to want to reach for the moonstone is when you need that quick reset and allow yourself to come back to your presence.
When you feel like you've been spending your whole day helping this person, helping that person, and helping everyone else but yourself. You haven't had time to even think about yourself. That's when you want to come back with the support of Archangel Ariel, with the support of the Moonstone and be present with yourself and then ask yourself, what nurturing do I need today? What do I need to experience? What are my support needs for today? And then give that to yourself.
A Sign Archangel Ariel is With You: Deer
I wanted to share a bonus piece of information with you! It's her symbol, and a sign that Archangel Ariel will show you that she is with you.
If you've been looking for a sign or confirmation that Archangel Ariel is here with you - the deer is the symbol that she's bringing forward for you to know that she is with you. If you see a deer or hear the word deer or you're reading a book and all of a sudden there are deers in the book, or whatever other ways you become aware of deer - this is the confirmation from Archangel Ariel. It's a wink from her saying, Hey, I'm here. I've got you. I'm supporting you. I'm with you. That’s how you will know you are connected to Archangel Ariel.
Share in the comments…
I want to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know what is your favorite way to work with Archangel Ariel? Which of these connection tips are you going to use to support you the next time you want to call on her? If you have any questions, then post them in the comments below. I cannot wait to connect with you.
I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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