Mary Magdalene and Her Connection to the Angels
In this post you are going to learn more about Mary Magdalene and her connection to the angels.
Welcome back! I am continuing on with my Ascended Master series. We started off with Melchizedek. Now we're focusing on Mary Magdalene. I'm so excited to share more about her presence, her energy, and her being. As well as my personal experience in terms of connecting with her and deepening your connection with Mary Magdalene.
Mary Magdalene & Divine Feminine Energy
Let's start off by talking about Mary Magdalene and the energy that she brings forward because her presence is so magnificent and divinely beautiful.
One of the core elements she is known for is her connection to the divine feminine. Anyone who is doing divine feminine work, whether you stumbled across divine feminine leadership, divine feminine energy, divine feminine activation - or similar topics like that, you have probably come across Mary Magdalene and have felt her presence around you. Maybe you felt her step forward for you. Maybe you've called on her to support you. Times where her energy and her presence fill the room and you can immediately feel this shift towards a higher frequency and especially the connection with what the divine feminine represents and what it's all about.
Which in general is about being nurturing, and surrendering. It’s about being in a space where you are leading with your heart and connected to your intuition. Divine feminine is an energy where creativity comes alive! All of those characteristics are connected to the divine feminine and there's a lot more to it, but that's just a couple to give you an idea of what divine feminine energy feels like, and what it's connected to.
On the flip side, Divine Masculine is more structure and logic focused. It's about having a support system. The Divine Masculine brings in more strength and support energy, whereas the Divine Feminine is really about the creative flow and being in surrender and allowing yourself to be guided in that specific way. So it's less rigid and more flexible.
Understanding Your Relationship to the Divine Feminine
As we step into understanding what our relationship is with the Divine Feminine and how we desire to be expressed in the Divine Feminine, Mary Magdalene brings through a message around loving our true selves and loving who we are presently.
At the core of it all, her message is connected to that Divine Love and the reminder that if we are rejecting any part of ourselves, then we're not fully loving our whole self. Then there is a part of us that will feel rejected, and abandoned, which causes that part of ourselves to disconnect us from our gifts. It disconnects us from the beautiful light that we're here to shine.
Helping Us Soften
If you're on a journey of self-love, for example, then calling on Mary Magdalene is going to help you to soften. And when I say soften, I mean that sometimes we put up walls around the parts of us that we have rejected or that we have deemed unlovable or that maybe we've been shamed for and therefore now we're shaming ourselves, whatever the story is.
Mary Magdalene is going to help you to soften. She's going to help you to open up your heart. She's going to help you to see the beauty that exists inside of you, regardless of what your past has said, regardless of what other people have said. That right now, as of this moment, is over. You get to declare that it is over and you begin a new chapter now. This is the new chapter of you loving yourself. And this is a new chapter of full acceptance of who you are and really allowing yourself to embrace all parts of you knowing that you are lovable.
At first softening may feel hard! It's not necessarily an easy thing to just decide to love yourself now and all parts of you. No, it's something that we have to learn. What Mary Magdalene is saying is that it's knowing that this is a journey of discovering what it feels like to love yourself again or even for the first time.
It’s about the discovery process, the exploration of love within yourself and for your whole self. Calling on Mary Magdalene can support you with that and she can help lead you into the different rituals or routines and habits that you can put in place to support the growth of that love for yourself.
Support Being Seen & Heard
Another part of Mary Magdalene's message is to be seen and heard and especially as a woman. Being seen and heard in general for everybody, but especially as a woman and the reason why is because for women their voice has been suppressed for innumerable years. For many years women's voices have been suppressed. They've been rejected. They've disempowered.
These experiences have gone on for so many generations and I truly believe right now one of the directions that we're going in as a collective, spiritually speaking, is the rise of women. Not in any way where it's like, yeah women and boo men or anything like that. It's just the rise of women to be fully in their power and for us to recognize and see that - if you are a woman reading this - as a woman, you hold so much potential inside of you that maybe through your ancestral timelines, or through other experiences in your life, you have unconsciously suppressed that.
If you don't identify as a woman, but you know women in your life, then this is an opportunity for you to support the women in your life who are going through that experience.
Being heard and seen as a woman is something that Mary Magdalene is very - as I share this, I feel her energy being very strong and passionate about and very much in a space where it's so important for us to honor our truth and to show up in our true selves and to feel empowered in that.
Mary Magdalene’s Authentic Support
Mary Magdalene is just such a beautiful example of being seen and heard because even her story and who she is has been twisted and turned and manipulated in the history books. To be able to come back to a place of acknowledgement of the truth of who we are and your truth as an individual, your power, your potential and to know that your voice gets to be heard, that you get to be seen, that you have something special to offer to the world, that you're not here to be silent, you're not here to just hide away in a corner and not be seen, not be heard. You are meant to be heard. You are meant to be seen. Working with Mary Magdalene can help activate that energy and activate that power where you show up in that sovereign energy.
One of things that she's saying right now is that you don't have to push or fight your way to it. I know that that can be a temptation because when someone has been suppressed for so long, their innate reaction is to fight, push, and retaliate. That's not the case here. It's not about retaliation, it's not about pushing, it's not about fighting. It's about honoring the divine being that you are. It's about seeing yourself first, knowing that you get to be heard and that you get to be seen, that you are worthy, and then simply using your voice.
Divine Support Transmitting Your Message & Mission
What Mary Magdalene is saying is that as you use your voice, it will become amplified. That this is the time in our spiritual evolution that the world is finally ready for this transformation, for this evolution. Because the world is now ready, that means that when we use our voice, the divine automatically comes in and helps to amplify the energy. It's important to know that you're not doing this alone - is the other part of this message that you're not doing this alone.
Think of your voice as a transmitter. You're here as a transmitter of divine love, divine truth, whichever frequencies you're here to deliver and share, whatever you have felt called in your heart, whatever message or mission that is on your heart that you know you're here to deliver, that you're here to guide - you have to use your voice though.
It's not something where we have to wait for it to feel safe in order to then use it because what she's saying is that's not going to happen in that order. You have to use your voice first and then the experience of knowing that it's safe to use your voice will come through through your own experience. That's an important part of this message is to know that you get to be seen, you get to be heard and that Mary Magdalene is supporting that for you.
Mary Magdalene & Support Being a Leader
The final thing that I will share in terms of Mary Magdalene and how she supports you is in your leadership. To be a leader, to show up in your leadership energy, to show up in a way where you know that you are being an example of whatever the leadership is that you are guiding - whether it's spiritual leadership, whether it's confidence leadership, or any other kind of leadership, it's you knowing that you are here to guide, to lead, to be an example.
Leadership doesn't necessarily mean that you have to have hundreds or thousands of people who are following you or who are looking up to you, it's as simple as leadership in your everyday life, leadership within your community, leadership within your family unit, whatever the thing is. It's leadership in all the different micro forms and macro forms and just knowing that who you are as a leader is what ripples out.
In your leadership, that's where you are in your power and in your truth when you are leading and knowing that we all have leadership skills and leadership qualities within ourselves, even if maybe your whole life you have thought you were not a leader. Or wondered who would ever listen to you.
If that's you, then definitely you should call on Mary Magdalene to support you because she's going to help you to see the leadership that exists inside of you and to bring forward your leadership qualities. Because remember, it's not about how many people you are leading, it's about how you are showing up in the energy of leadership, of being an example in your everyday life, even if it's just one person who you're interacting with. How are you showing up in a state of leadership?
That is another part that Mary Magdalene supports us with is to step forward in whatever form or way that's meant to be expressed in the world. But at the core of it, it's the leadership skills that are important to understand.
Mary Magdalene & The Angels
Mary Magdalene is definitely connected to the angels, I have personally seen her come forward so many times in so many different ways. More specifically when I am doing divine feminine work or leadership work as well. There are always angels that come in as well. The angels that I most often see associated with Mary Magdalene are the Herschiel Angel Alexandra, Archangel Haniel, Archangel Jophiel, and Angel Celeste. Those four are the ones that you can call on alongside Mary Magdalene.
Maybe you've worked with them, or you are very deeply connected to any of those angels that I just listed and you can utilize all four of them plus Mary Magdalene or whomever you feel guided towards and know that they all work together because those angels that I just listed are also connected to divine feminine energy. They also support our healing, our leadership, our self love and if you are used to the angelic frequency or you just really love working with the angels, then pairing those up with Mary Magdalene is going to be a beautiful connection and also amplify that energy.
Think about it, when you are working with the divine and these divine beings, what's happening is that there's like a circle of energy that's being created around you. When you are working with multiple energies, that energy gets amplified and the energy grows stronger and your connection and your ability to discern and to receive what they have for you will increase and it will get stronger and you'll be able to be a receiver and a vessel of high frequency energy as you practice this more and more.
Your expression of your divine feminine will get bigger and stronger and more expansive. Your ability to receive divine downloads then gets translated in some way in your expression or in what you create or in how you show up that will increase as well. Calling on these angels that I listed as well as Mary Magdalene is going to be very supportive for you, especially as you develop your leadership, your divine feminine energy and your self love.
Mary Magdalene’s Symbols
The Color Red, Roses & Water
Now the symbols that I see connected to Mary Magdalene are of course, number one is the rose. The rose in whatever shape or form, it doesn't just have to be red roses, but of course the color red is one of the other symbols or ways that you can feel more connected to Mary Magdalene. The color red, roses and water are her three symbols.
Water is something that is connected to Mary Magdalene as it represents the energy of flow and taking different shapes and different forms and moving through anything. That is the essence and qualities of water and that's also the essence and qualities of the Divine Feminine and Mary Magdalene.
Think about a river that has huge rocks in it. What does the water do? Does the water wait for the rocks to move or does it find a way around the rocks? Water finds the way around the rocks! When you're feeling like you're stuck or feeling like you're blocked or feeling like you're pushed up against a rock, you can call on Mary Magdalene and ask her to help you see or feel the essence of the water, the essence of flow, your divine feminine power, and for that to lead you to show you what is the pathway that is around. How do you get around it? You don't have to wait for it to move and try to get through it. You can move around it. You can ebb and flow and find a different way.
That is at the core of Mary Magdalene's way of supporting us and knowing our power, knowing our truth and knowing that we're supported.
Connecting with Mary Magdalene
Creating A Sacred Environment
The number one way in which you can connect with her and begin to deepen your connection, is going to be by creating a sacred environment, a slow environment.
Create a space in your room where maybe it's just candlelight, maybe there's soft music that's playing, where the lights are dim, where there isn't all of this busy chaotic energy. The opposite of connecting with Mary Magdalene is busy chaotic energy: TV blaring, radio on, kids running around, all of that is the opposite of her energy. You want to create a space that feels very serene, that feels very, very slow, that feels sacred. And whatever is meaningful to you, you can put into the space.
Whether this is you creating an altar, or maybe you want to draw a bath and make it all vibed out for yourself with candle lights, roses, music, whatever it is that you need to do to create that kind of environment. It's going to look different for every person. That's why it's not a specific space. It's just what represents those things for you. Maybe for some people, it's simply getting out of the house and going to a sacred spot by a river that is quiet and there's no one around and all you hear is the sound of the flowing water. And that brings you serenity and peace and it helps you to feel that sacred connection. It's finding what helps you to feel that sacred connection. These are the qualities that you're looking for.
One of the things that you can create is going through this process with candlelight or the music or the dim lights or using roses, whatever calls to you.
Essential Oils
The other way that you can support your connection with Mary Magdalene is through essential oils. Some examples of essential oils that are strongly connected to her are Jasmine, Rose, Frankincense, Jojoba.
With these essential oils, one of the things that they have in common is that they're very grounding oils. Anything that helps you to feel rooted and grounded, Mary Magdalene is connected to that. You can utilize those, whether you want to do it in combination or just pull one of those out if you have any of those essential oils and just use that as a way to connect with her as well. You can maybe bring it into your sacred space if you desire to.
The point is that you're creating a sacred energy and environment to then call upon her energy and work with her in whatever specific way that you are called to do so.
Share in the comments…
I want to hear from you in the comments below. Let me know in which ways you have connected with Mary Magdalene or how you are planning to do so. Or if you go and use these suggestions, and connect with her, or do a meditation with her; then come back and let me know what your experience was like. I want to hear from you and all the things regarding Mary Magdalene.
I hope this blog has served you. If you enjoyed it, then please share it with your friends, your family, your community. I am sending you so much love and angel blessings!
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