The Healer Program

become certified as an angelic healer

DOORS are currently closed - join the waitlist below

You are on the path of becoming a healer.

You are ready to take your abilities and skills to the next level of expansion and growth.

You are drawn to work with the angelic realms and other divine beings of light and love.

You have a desire to make a powerful impact in the world.

If this is you, then keep reading…

One of the most incredible and powerful things that I’ve been shown by the angels is that there are many people on this Earth at this time who are meant to be channels and healers of Divine light and love.

WE are the future of this Earth.

It is your ability to bring healing and Divine light and love onto this planet that is going to make a huge and lasting impact for humanity and the generations to come.

Your soul’s mission is important. There is a reason why you are drawn to the angels and healing… Because you have a profound connection and gifts that are meant to be shared for the greater good.

And it’s just a matter of opening up to the healing potential and connection that you hold inside.

Introducing… The Healer Program.

This is a unique and powerful program that guides you step by step through the process of opening up and developing your healing abilities, as well as your connection to the angels, so that you can make the impact you were born to create.

The Angelic Healer Certification Program will help you open up to YOUR unique healing abilities and connection to the angels.

As a spiritual mentor, my job is to give you the guidance and support that you need to open up to YOUR unique healing abilities and connection to the angels.

Together, we walk the path of discovering your greater soul purpose and how you are meant to use your gifts in the world.

Together, we change the world.

The Angelic Healer Certification Program is for anyone who is ready to take their divine connection and healing abilities to a professional level.

Who is this for?

The Healer Program is for anyone who is ready to take their divine connection and healing abilities to a professional level.

It’s for you if you desire to serve others with your healing gifts and create the impact in people’s lives that you know you were meant to create.

If you’re ready to:

  • Be more confident in your healing gifts and abilities

  • Take your abilities to a new level and learn advanced techniques

  • Use your voice to create healing and transformation in the world

  • Be seen for who you truly are

  • Work with the Archangels and other divine beings of light and love in your healing practice

  • Create a powerful impact in the world

Then this program is for you!!

DOORS are currently closed - join the waitlist below

This program is for you if you:

Feel the calling of your soul’s purpose to be a healer and divine channel

Know that you were meant to create a lasting impact in the world

Have a desire to be seen in your potential and use your gifts for the greater good

Know that THIS is your time to step into who you were always meant to be

Cristina Aroche, the archangel channel, is the mentor and guide for the Angelic Healer Certification Program.

Meet Cristina Aroche

over 7 years of experience as a spiritual teacher & mentor.

  • Personally mentored over 25 students through The Healer Program (formerly known as The Angelic Healer Certification Program)

  • 500+ students have been supported through various other programs and workshops.

  • Over 1.5M views on YouTube, teaching the world about angels and following their soul’s calling

What started off as a personal spiritual practice quickly turned into a powerful connection with the Archangels, which led Cristina to completely transition out of nutrition coaching and into spiritual guidance and mentorship.

Cristina is known for her gifts in helping people to awaken to their own connection to the angels and channeling their guidance.

“There is an undeniable pull from your soul when it comes to your calling and destiny. We must learn to follow it, for it will always lead us into our greatest soul legacy.”

The Breakdown:

THe Healer Program will run from june 25th - october 8th, 2024

Bi-weekly Schedule: rotates between a new module released (self-study) and Q+A office hours with Cristina for guidance and answering questions.

Attunement to your own energy

module 1

  • Your empathic abilities are your superpower

  • Cleansing & balancing your chakras and aura

  • Vibrational vs. Emotional Frequency

Attunement to the angelic realms

module 2

  • Activating your energy to connect more deeply with the angels

  • Working with the 5 main angelic realms: Archangels, Herschiel Angels, Guardian Angels, Cosmic Angels & Seraphim Angels

  • Meeting your Seraphim Angels

Your channeling abilities and beyond

module 3

  • Intro to the clairs (clairvoyance, claircognizance, clairsentience, clairaudience)

  • Opening + strengthening each of the clairs

  • Integrity and accuracy when channeling

  • Releasing fears and doubts

Your healing gifts & abilities

Module 4

  • Angelic energy healing

  • Holding space for healing

  • Healing through creative expression

  • Healing through the 3 Archetype gifts

Spiritual journeying

module 5

  • Journeying vs. Meditation

  • Leading powerful guided journeys for yourself and others

Healing on a soul level

module 6

  • Past life regression

  • Ancestral Alchemy

  • Akashic Records

  • Soul Integrations

Healing on a mind level

module 7

  • Techniques to transmute limiting beliefs and fears

  • Identity work to manifest your vision

  • Transforming intellectual concepts into practical healing experiences

Healing on a body level

module 8

  • DNA Healing & Activation

  • Inner child healing

  • Cord Cutting

  • Healing physical illness


Extra teachings to support your journey

  • Stepping into your purpose (who you’re here to serve and how - based on your archetype)

  • You’re a Healerpreneur… now what?

  • Working with Ascended Masters and other Divine Beings

Mandana Radkani is a certified Angelic Healer.

Mandana Radkani

“Working with Cristina has been one of the best decisions I’ve made.”

Before starting the course, I was unsure if it would be worth it, if I would be able to get the most out of it. However, once I started the program my doubts about myself and whether I really would get the most out of the program, went away very quickly.

Cristina is so down to earth and easy to talk to. Her energy is calm and she makes you feel comfortable just being in her presence. She has a kind heart and a beautiful soul and she is so easy to like.

Her abilities are so amazing. She is so open and easily gets information that is meant for you. How she works and how she effortlessly connects to the Angels and spiritual world, is so amazing, and she is such an inspiration to me.

I’ve learned so many things from Cristina, and she’s helped me to realize my true purpose and my power. I’m so much more aware and in tune with myself, and I’ve grown and expanded my own abilities, and connection to the Angels. I now have a much better view of how I am meant show up in this world through my purpose.

Working with Cristina you can feel she loves her job, and I’m so grateful for all the time and energy she’s given me, to help me and get me ready for the next face of my life.

Truly an amazing mentor. I wish the program lasted longer just because I’ve enjoyed it so much, and enjoyed learning from Cristina and all the growth and expansion I’ve experienced throughout this program.

Although she is not my mentor anymore, in my heart she still is. Thank you so much. Hope I’ll work with you again in the near future. <3<3

Hear from past students:


When you join The Healer Program…

You are saying YES to your soul’s calling as a healer.

You are raising your hand to be a voice of truth, love and light in this world.

The Healer Program:

  • Opens up your channel and connection as a healer.

  • Develops your abilities.

  • Strengthens your voice to be able to speak your truth.

  • Aligns you with the vision that the divine has for you.

  • Connects you with your true self... and the freedom to be YOU!

Join the Waitlist

  • Karen Membreno

    Before enrolling in the Angelic Healer Certification course I was in a state of fear and paranoia of the spiritual realm. The course assisted me to face my fears and demolish them with patience and love along with the help of the angels and the information the modules provided.

    Throughout the weeks I learned to access my inner power and trust within myself by working through my blockages and removing them. The course opened me up to have a strong connection with the angels which provided me clarity that I once couldn’t see.

    My favorite part of the course was learning about the different ways we can access information and how Cristina was always there to answer any of my questions. I am grateful Cristina developed a course such as this one! I would definitely recommend it!

  • Liz Winders

    Doing Cristina’s Angelic Healer Certification Program has not only transformed my healing practice but has also transformed my relationship with myself and loved ones.

    The course is packed with so much more than I could ever have imagined and I am so glad I took the leap of faith and followed my heart to this work. My connection to the Angels is greater than I could have dreamed and I am SO thankful!

    If you are being called to this course, trust and take the leap!!

  • Alistair Coakley

    Working with Cristina has been the best spiritual decision I have made. She is by far the most powerful spiritual teacher that I have worked with as she directly works with the Angelic Realm.

    Cristina is so so supportive and is always there for me when I reach out to her with a question I may have about my business, my life, direction with next steps to take etc. She is always so reliable and encouraging and supports me in connecting back to my true divine nature.

    I took a huge leap of faith to invest in the Angelic Healer Certification. I was scared but I felt the Angels pushing me to take that step and I had to get resourceful in order to make it happen.

    If you feel guided to work with Cristina or to the Angelic Healer Certification, my advice is to jump right in as your Angels and Heaven are guiding you so you can step fully into your divine soul purpose here on Earth to help heal humanity’s pain and suffering. You are so needed right now. Don’t hesitate. Take that step! It will change your life.