Ep. 66 - When Things Don’t Manifest, What Do You Do?

In this episode, Cristina Aroche discusses how to maintain faith and belief in oneself and one's path when things don't go as planned or desired.

She shares a community member's experience of feeling shattered and betrayed by the universe after a job offer turned out to be a scam. Cristina offers steps to come back to faith and power, including seeing the light in the situation, deciding that the vision is meant for oneself, praying for guidance, and recognizing the soul's calling to deeper connection and empowerment.

She emphasizes the importance of understanding that challenges are part of the manifestation process and opportunities for growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Maintaining faith and belief in oneself and one's path is crucial when things don't go as planned or desired.

  • Challenges and setbacks are part of the manifestation process and opportunities for growth and empowerment.

  • Seeing the light in difficult situations and praying for guidance can help shift perspective and bring back faith and power.

  • Deciding that the vision is meant for oneself and being in the process of manifestation can create a sense of empowerment and determination.

  • Recognizing that the soul is calling for deeper connection and growth can help transform challenges into opportunities for self-discovery and alignment with one's true self.


00:30 Introduction: Maintaining Faith and Belief
07:41 The Vision is Already Established
11:25 The Pathway and Infinite Possibilities
22:16 The Soul's Calling: Deeper Connection and Empowerment
27:28 Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Growth

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Ep. 67 - The Archangels That Are Helping You Right Now


Ep. 65 - Deepen Your Connection to Your Higher Self