The Divine Sophia
The Divine Sophia is an all encompassing energy. I can't necessarily classify her as an angelic being, a specific celestial being or a spirit guide because she's all encompassing. Really, she is the divine feminine aspect of Source, in the same way that we think of the universe or God like an energy that is all encompassing. It exists in everything, within everything and everyone.
The Divine Sophia is really the representation of the divine feminine aspect of Source energy. The reason why this is so important and why it's coming through so powerfully in recent times is because there is this rise of divine feminine energy that is happening and that is meant to happen in this world.
The divine feminine energy is something that exists within all of us. Every being has both the divine masculine and the divine feminine within them. There is a rise of the divine feminine that is coming forward within the collective to understand the power, the love, the nurturing, the connection that exists with this powerful energy. The Divine Sophia is coming forward to help awaken that aspect within us and the collective, and to help us to shift from this very strongly masculine driven way of being to bringing more balance with the divine feminine. The divine feminine is not coming over to overthrow the masculine. Rather, the divine feminine must rise and we must become more aware of it in order to bring balance to these two divine, beautiful, powerful energies that we all hold.
The Divine Sophia is helping us to awaken to this aspect within ourselves, to the healing that is available when we do this, to the connection, the love, the nurturing, and the support, so that we can be and live in our fullest and greatest potential.
It’s time to witness yourself grow into greater harmony and alignment with your divine spiritual connection.
To feel confident and empowered following your soul's desires
To experience deep love and safety in who you are
To trust in yourself and your angelic connection
When it comes to connecting with the Divine Sophia, it's really interesting because she is more of an energy that is within everything. It's not as direct as we would think with the angels. For example, when I call on Archangel Gabriel, he steps forward and he is here.
Although we can call the Divine Sophia and she can come forward, her energy feels more like it is embedded within everything. It's bringing forward the awareness of the presence of Divine Sophia that is already there. It's an embodied energy that already exists and it's a matter of us just being aware of it and tapping into it rather than we have to call it forward so that it can come. The Divine Sophia's energy, her presence, is already here and it's just a matter of calling upon her presence to be felt, to become more aware, to allow it to lead. It's just a matter of us actually opening up to that and becoming aware of that.
Now, my experience with the Divine Sophia has been really a lot with regards to healings that I do and her presence. She often comes forward in healing and in journeys that I guide, she's making herself known, she's holding that energy, holding the container, and holding the space for us.
In her presence, we naturally begin to bring forward this divine feminine energy within our own self. In your day to day connection, this is going to be a huge thing for you to really lean into, to call on her presence and to feel how it's already there, that it is just a matter of it coming to the forefront. Once you call in her presence and it comes to the forefront, then it leads and guides you.
Another way of feeling her presence is by doing any type of sacred ritual or sacred healing, or by being very intentional by creating a sacred connection. So for example, you may want to light a candle or have a set of flowers hold that sacred intention and connection. You can arrange your crystals in a certain way to honor that sacred energy. It can be super simple, it doesn't have to be any complex ritual. It's just something where you are honoring the sacredness of this connection and this energy. It's more of what feels sacred to you, what feels special to you. Then it's just a matter of allowing and being intentional for that energy to come forward, and then feeling her presence and knowing that she is here, nurturing, loving, and caring.
This process is supporting us with our connection to who we are, that magic, that power, that creative potential that we hold in connection to the divine feminine energy. This is a really great start for you to connect with the Divine Sophia and really lean into her to call on her and to support you with this aspect of your journey.
The meditation starts at 8:32