Angel Number 888
Angel numbers are a repeating sequence of numbers that are signs from the angels. One of the most common ways people begin to open up to their connection to the angelic realms is by noticing these signs. Each number and repeating sequence of numbers has a specific meaning.
In this blog post, I’ll be sharing all about angel number 888. If you’d like to learn about all of the other different angel numbers, you can do so by downloading my FREE Angel Number Meanings Guide!
Angel number 888 is a really special number with a very powerful energy and meaning behind it. You don’t have to specifically see it as a triple sequence of 8s. If you see 88 or even 8888, it’s still a sign to pay attention to the message that is being brought to you.
Whenever you see the number eight, it’s important for you to know that this means abundance, trust, and vibrational energy.
The angels that are associated with angel number 888 are Archangel Ariel and Archangel Metatron.
One of my favorite things about the number 8 is that if you flip it to its side, it’s the infinity sign. And this really represents the infinite abundance that exists all around you and that is available to you. When you see angel number 8, it’s a reminder from the angels to focus on the abundance that you already have in your life! It’s a sign to remember that you are truly connected to the flow of abundance because it is already within you.
When we talk about abundance, it’s not just about the material things that you have around you; it’s really about looking at the energy of abundance that exists within you as a spiritual being. After all, the Universe and Spirit are infinitely abundant, and that is where we come from, therefore we are inherently abundant as well.
The more that we focus on the energy of abundance that we hold, the more that we’ll see abundance showing up in our life.
It’s time to witness yourself grow into greater harmony and alignment with your divine spiritual connection.
To feel confident and empowered following your soul's desires
To experience deep love and safety in who you are
To trust in yourself and your angelic connection
Abundance can show up physically as money, but it can also show up in other ways such as an abundance of love, abundance of connections, abundance of friendships, abundance of joy, and so many more things!
So whenever you see angel number 888, bring your focus and awareness to the abundance that already exists in your life. When you focus your attention on abundance, that same energy begins to multiply and attracts more abundance into your life.
Abundance is a frequency of energy that is always flowing around us.
When we are tapped into this energetic frequency, we are attuning and aligning our own energy to abundance, which then allows the flow of abundance to come into our lives. This is because we become a matching vibrational frequency as the energy of abundance, which then supports it flowing into all areas of our life.
Seeing the angel number 888 also means that abundance is already on its way to you – so keep going, keep trusting and having faith in the process!
For example, if you’ve been working on manifesting a certain amount of money, this is confirmation from the angels that it’s on its way to you. So the most important thing to do is to keep focusing on the abundance that you already have in your life, so that you stay a vibrational match for the abundance that is coming.
Another meaning behind angel number 888 is trust. It is a sign from the angels that it’s important for you to deepen your level of trust in yourself and in the Universe.
This is such a key factor when it comes to aligning to higher frequencies of energy. Having a deep sense of trust in ourselves is paramount.
You have to trust that you’re able and that you’re capable of bringing in and calling in the energy of abundance into your life. You have to trust in the Universe, that it is arranging the circumstances, situations and whatever is needed in order to allow that abundance to flow into your life.
This is where trust is really important because if we worry, panic, freak out or when we think things like:
“Why isn’t it here yet?”
“Can I actually do this?”
“Maybe I’m going to fail!”
We start going down a rabbit hole that puts us out of alignment with receiving whatever it is that we’re calling in.
So when you see angel number 888, remember to focus on deepening your sense of trust in yourself and in the Universe.
One helpful way to do this is by asking yourself where you are trying to control the situation, and where can you release that need to control? Ask the angels for help in surrendering to the energy of the Universe and to help you trust in how everything is unfolding!
Another meaning for angel number 888 is about paying attention to your vibrational energy. Wherever we are vibrating energetically, that is what we are going to be a match for and that is what is going to come into our life.
Ask yourself if you are a match for the frequency and vibration of what you desire. Are there any fears, limiting beliefs or anything in your energy that is lowering your vibration that you need to let go of? If so, it’s important to release these energies so that you can raise your frequency and raise your vibrational level in order to become a match for the things you desire.
When it comes to clearing out your energy, Archangel Metatron is really amazing and powerful in supporting you. Call on him to support you with clearing out anything that is a low vibration and anything that does not serve you. You can then also ask him to support you in raising your vibration energy to become a match for the frequency of what it is that you desire.
Archangel Ariel is amazing at supporting us with connecting to abundance and helping us in trusting deeply in ourselves and the Universe. Call on Archangel Ariel when you need help to see abundance or tune into the flow of abundance. She’s also here to support you with trusting in yourself and trusting in the Universe!
What you can say is, “Archangel Ariel, show me how to trust in myself and the Universe.” Then surrender to the flow of energy and allow the guidance to come through.