Deepen Your Spiritual Connection to Heal, Achieve Freedom & Align To Your Soul’s Purpose

learn how to connect with the angels, discover your soul’s gifts and follow your divine purpose as a healer.

Cristina Aroche, the Archangel Channel, is a spiritual teacher and mentor.


Learn about the Archangels

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The Divine Connection Podcast

Your pathway to discovering your true self, your soul’s purpose and deepening your connection to the Divine.

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Explore your angelic connection

Daily Angelic Resources

Learn more about the Archangels or to read channelled messages from the angels.

Programs + Workshops

Live programs, self-study courses and workshops that I offer to help you connect with the Angels!

Guardian Angel Readings

Learn more about your angels and deepen your connection to them.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have you ever wondered about your spiritual connection to the angels?

  • The Archangels are Universal angelic beings, meaning that they are here to help us ALL. We can call on any of them at any time to support us. We don’t really have an Archangel that is “ours”, but rather we may have a deeper sense of resonance with one or a few at certain times along our journey.

    To know which Archangel you are most resonant with at this time, you would focus on which Archangel you feel most drawn to. Who do you feel pulled to call on most often? Which angel do you feel most when in meditation?

    This will give you a clue as to which Archangel is around you most of the time. This can change day by day, or as a natural part of your journey.

    If you would like deeper support and guidance from the Archangels, you can book a session by clicking here!

  • You can communicate in many different ways. The most common way is through your thoughts or by speaking to them out loud. Whenever you set the intention to communicate with the angels, they are immediately there and listening to you. Our communication with them does not have to be formal; think of them as a close friend and speak to them like you would to your closest friend. Another way that you can communicate with the angels is through journaling. You can write to them as if you are writing them a letter, and share with them whatever is on your mind or your request for guidance and support.

    Your ability to receive communication back from the angels will develop over time. Know that the angels will always send you signs and messages that you will understand. Anything from angel numbers, feathers, and coins. Or you may receive a message as a “knowing” or “feeling”. You may see a vision, or even hear a whisper as an answer.

    Click here for my free guide on how to connect with the angels.

  • If it feels like the angels aren’t answering you, this means that either:

    1) You are trying to “force” the receival of an answer, which is only causing more resistance


    2) It’s not time yet to receive that specific guidance. The key is in trusting that you will ALWAYS receive guidance and support. Release your expectations of how and when it will come, and know that you will always know when that guidance comes through.

  • There are many ways in which humans have historically tried to control others through fear. The ideology in certain religions that it is bad to communicate with angels comes from this concept of trying to maintain control over others. The truth is that God, Jesus and the angelic realms are all here to support us for our highest good.

    Angels exist as an expression of God’s divine light. Jesus is an expression of God’s divine light. We are all expressions of this same divine light. We are ultimately calling on the same divine energy to support us.

    Trust in your intuition and experiences when connecting with the angels. Often people say how much love and positivity they feel from this divine connection, but then the ego will have them doubt if it’s true or real.

    By leaning into your own trust and inner guidance, you will know that you are following the path that is meant for you.

    To hear more about my perspectives about calling on God and Jesus to support us, as well as the angels, click here to watch my video!

My name is Cristina and I’m a spiritual teacher and mentor.

I’m here to guide you on your journey by helping you remember who you are and your soul’s divine mission.

…And more importantly, helping YOU open up your connection to the angels and God, so that you can remember how truly loved and supported you are on this journey of embodying your true self and sharing your magnificent light with the world.

If you’ve stumbled across this page, then you’re probably someone who’s been seeking a way to serve others and make an impact in their lives. You are passionate and caring, and you know that it’s time to bring more love and light into the world. You know that you came here for a greater purpose.

Have you ever felt the presence of something greater than you, guiding you on your path?

Have you felt the desire to understand who you are on a soul level and open up to your spiritual gifts and abilities?

If so… you’re in the right place!

Shine your inner light so that you can be confident and empowered on your mission to creating an impact in the world.

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